Requiem for a Peanut / Tough Times / The RHC

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#THE KELLCO CASE -  Requiem for a Peanut / Tough Times / The RHC


[The cavern was filled with the water of the relentless Starconian River. This subterranean lake was bulging with the remnants of an army, a once great empire that now lay in the silence of this cave. Secretly conducting their business and busy producing their illegal substances was the Jarco Empire.](

The years of erosion lead to a series of grottos that laid directly under the City of Statera. It allowed for completely inconspicuous conduits to the giant river that cleaved the Starco Empire and lead into the Bloodmoon Sea.

"Amused_Lad," Peanut sat at the master table. It was centered in the cavern and housed plans. "Has ThreePistons received our word yet? Is his army ready to make the next move?"

"Yes sir, rumor has it that his army is training beyond the northwest passage."

"Good. LordIndica, have we receive any information of those RHC clawing around the UnderBelly?"

"Nah, man, that informant is sketch a.f; I don't like the way he looks at me, ya know?"

"Sir, that is the renowned Leguy. He *can't* look at you sketchy, it means you're looking at *him* sketchy," Peanut responded without so much as having to think. "Well, I've gathered you all here today, Amused_lad and your subordinate, gersanriv, stand before us. Einstien74 and his assistants, Brojimin and LordIndica grace us today, and I sit ready with my legacy standing behind me. SpaceguyRob and CamlinDomino88, I thank you for your time, truly. I have consolidated the armada today to tell you all that there is something afoot beyond just our endeavors."

"What would that be, Peanut?" Spoke the grand Einstien74.

"...That not only is the Lurker army near ready for combat, that not only have the Downvote Brigade and Anti-Shipping Regime combined forces, but..." He sighed at the news he was about to present.

"Yes, Peanut, please. This sounds very important." Amused_lad was nearly falling off his seat with excitement.

"Rumor has it that the shields might be going down, in respects to season 4. The suspected final season." He spoke with somber in his voice. The cavern filled with whispers, even the crew that was working behind the leaders were whispering in hush. "Blackwolfspeaking has given me inside information of the RHC secret archive and it appears that the Starco Empire believes it is only them that holds this information."

"Ha. You know that rumor is already spread from here to Tomar, by now," laughed Einstien, insightful, "This is going to get messy awfully quick."

"It won't *just* be messy, this will be an absolute bloodbath! Last time all these little things weren't happening, now we got armies built and threats out there, Peanut!" Brojimin barked, speaking outwards.

"There's no going back now. We've made too much progression to the cause and this news is too little too late. We must focus on the rebuilding at hand. We must remain true to the alliances we have forged, but it is true that soon it will be an all-out free for all to get to that island," Peanut spoke calmly.

"We've entered this battle and now we reap what we sow. Yes, soon we will go our ways to get our own content to the island, that's the reality of this situations. There will be backstabbing, opportunity nabbing, and hair grabbing but we gotta focus on our problems in the meantime. Those problems won't go away even if those shields go down."

Spaceguyrob and Camlin looked at one another as they stood at attention behind Mr. Peanut, sitting.

"Hands in Y'all." LordIndica put his hand towards the middle of the table. They all did the same in respect to their comradery.

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