Requiem for a Peanut / Tough Times / The RHC

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"For the Alliance!" They all yelled into the underground cavern.


"You moron, that's a tracker! Get that off the briefcase! Those guys are probably hot on us right now. We've got to move. Let's go!" s they ran, their footsteps rang out through the mud as the two sprinted throughout the catacombs.


I held the device in my hand. It blinked with the whereabouts of the tracker and it was moving swiftly throughout the city. We weren't all that far from it. I looked at Aulus who had his mind lost in the underbelly. His jaw was a bit swollen from the last little fight.

"Why aren't we keeping up closer, KC?"

"'Cause if he catches wind of us, he'll send us on a goose chase. Seen it many times. He'll open threads, close them, go about his business as usual and we won't get any closer to getting any closer."

"Alright, that does make sense." He had both his hands in his pocket, but I couldn't help but acknowledge his tenseness.

We had arrived at one of the elevators that would take us to the first floor of skywalks.

"He's taken this. Looks like his concern isn't on the UnderBelly."

"Killer, there's only one elevator. Could be ages until it returns." Aulus investigates the corner where a man was there watching a door. It was the emergency stairs and it appears that someone was protecting them for malintent. We walked our way around and walked up to the man confidently.

"Good afternoon, JaxiDriver." He knew who we were and his hands started shaking with the cigarette.

"The fuzz, huh? I ain't done nothing and I just minded my own business, fellers."

"Well, what is the business you're minding, then?" I was surprised that Aulus spoke first and quickly in response.

"Just went out for a smoke. Nothing but selling my wares."

"That's good, then, now you can get out of our way, Jaxi."

"That'd by find by my me, cheese. You guys have a good day, now." He stepped aside and opened the staircase door.

"You mind that business of yours, okay?" I warned the man as we slid into the staircase chamber. It was a mass of steel spiraling upwards. "Let's get hurrying." We both began jogging up the spiral staircase, our shoes making small pinging sounds in the chamber, but something was amiss. I grabbed Aulus by the collar and stopped him, I stopped. There were more feet clattering down from on top of us. We looked up and saw a small entourage descending from the top. Dark green and faces covered.


A shot rang out from above us. A smoothbore musket, the small Minié came screaming and ricocheted off the staircase, we both ducked. I looked down, we were too far up for a retreat. The only option was to fight on this narrow, goddamned staircase.

["Daron, no!" Aulus screamed as he took out his revolver and gave two shots upwards. The Kellco troops were on top of us now, and one hurled himself off the railing towards me. The dagger in his hands had my name written on it. He hit me and I took a slice to the arm; we began to roll away- down the staircase. Luckily, we came to a halt. Grabbing his arm and dagger, I pulled his body and mine towards the edge of the staircase. Leaning him over, I shoved him off and returned to Aulus, who was busy with his own combatants.](


After that ambush and seeing KC get knocked down the stairs, I attempted to rush the last two. I jumped for one's ankles. Yanking his feet out from under him, he attempted to grab hold of the stairs. He slipped and his head banged the metal. Out cold. I heaved him down the staircase and his body tumbled; KC barely had time to stand aside.

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