But he looked away.

I put my tray on the table, I place my hands on his shoulder, "you're not even done on your food, why not finished it first before leaving?" I said.

Just because food is one of the most important things we could have here in the field, we should not waste it. Or else, he would get death stares from everyone and no one would dare to experience those things. He goes back to his seat and pick up the spoon and fork, and goes back on eating. I seated beside him.

"What is your problem with me?" I asked him directly.

He shook his head, "n-nothing... why do you ask that?"

"It is not what I'm sensing."

He smirked, "then you're sensing it wrong."

"I don't get you," I said. "You sneak out on me last night and then you just said out of nowhere we aren't supposed to talk, then why do you say like that to me? Huh?"

He shook his head once again, "it's not always about you, Dylan..."

My eyes narrowed on his words, "how did you know my name?"

"How I wouldn't?" he answered, face me with his attention. "Your name has been going around and I have known everyone here. And just because you're the newcomer and also the new recruit here, you're the only Dylan everyone knows."

"And what's the big deal with it?" I asked.

"It is like they're saying, you're one of the important people here."

"Who says that?" He didn't answer me. "Well, if you can't justify that statement then I'm gonna think the other way. I just wanna know why would you say that to me last night? I'm not going to hurt, or put any harm on everyone. I just came to help. Why do you think I'm gonna do?"

He shook his head, "I'm done." He said and I look at his plate, it is clean. He stood up from sitting and walks away. I scratch my head off trying to guess what has happened. I was just asking what he's a deal to me but I think he's trying to avoid me.

When I'm also done eating, I called out Cha that I'm going to the arena. Heading out of the dining hall, the dreaded girl greeted me. She just looks at me and I nod on her and I think that way, we understand what should we do next.

We were taking our steps to the arena. I don't know where it is located but when the dreaded girl started to give descriptions about it. I suddenly recall the transparent glass mirror, Cha and I bound to across. When we reach the arena, there are already some people who were preparing for their training. I followed the dreaded girl inside the arena as we were coming closer in front of those people.

When she stopped, I stopped beside her.

The young people who will participate in the training formed in line.

"Good afternoon everyone," she greeted and were greeted back by the young people. "Before the start of your training, I would like everyone to know our new member of the movement, Dylan." She introduced as she's pertaining to me, everyone's eyes are on me. I gulped and for a second, I do not know what to do. "And Dylan, these are the future army of the movement."

Army? I thought in my head.

Dreaded girl elbowed me, "Oh! Hi, yes, I'm Dylan... the new member of the movement."

"And yes, and for the next few days he will teach you some lessons but for now, you can start your physical training." The dreaded girl said.

When the young people bowed down to her, I don't understand why would they do that. When the dreaded girl walks out, I immediately followed her. I caught her hand and stop her from leaving the arena by hanging me with questions.

"Was that necessary?" I asked her.

She raised her brow, "what?"

"The army?"

She nodded, "yes..."

"Don't you know that these people weren't up for a fight?"

She laughed in a sudden, "when these people joined the movement, they know the risk. They know what they were into. Joining the army is one of the biggest tactics of the movement. Everyone could be on the army, giving hand on hand on it. Anyone. And this doesn't affect our movement. It will only make us stronger."

"And how am I contribute to this? I don't fight." I confessed.

"I have seen you on the field, Dylan and I know how you do it. The way you move, your smart strategy help you to excel forward and that's what these people need to learn. We need someone like you Dylan." She patted my shoulder and I don't know if my skills would inherit this group.

"That's too much to do..."

She then smiled on me, "anyway, as you are now part of the movement, you can call me Brighid."

"Wait did you just tell me your name?"

She chuckles, "I did and it's not a big deal."

"It's a big deal for me... I wouldn't call you dreaded girl in my head from now on."

"What did you just call me?" she asked but I laughed, "whatever you say, these people are expecting on you from now on, Dylan. Don't let them down. They are waiting for this to come. Their life depends on what we do and what we can be."

I nodded to her, "I will try my best."

"Glad to hear that," she said. "I just need to roam around, see you later." She said bid a goodbye.

I look back and see those young people who are striving to have a better life. I don't know why would they pursue this kind of thing. Actually, the movement doesn't matter at all. If you were just into the process of wanting a better life. You can do it. You don't need to defect into the system just because it wasn't fair and doesn't bring any good. But if their reason is more likely to develop such things that this rebirth process are just part of the High Council's system of cruelty.

Fighting against what has been established for a long time is a tough thing to do. And I still don't know how would this movement can become on a winning side against the High Council.

As I'm leading my way out of the arena, the tracker on my neck triggers. I resist the pain and try to decode what does it say. I kneeled down into the ground and help myself not faint. After a few seconds, it has stopped. And just when I notice how the young people come into my way and ask me what was happening but I just told me, I am okay and nothing bad happens.

But leaving the arena alone, a question in my head stuck when the tracker from my neck says one thing.

Do follow.

And I don't even understand it. How in the world the person behind this doing of my tracker were trying to communicate? Does it help or just manipulating me? I don't even know what's happening to this world. It all became toxic and darkness all over.

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