"Uh Shoto, I mean Todoroki." I stopped walking. He turned around to face me.


"Um, thanks for you know. Bringing me home last night. I hope I wasn't any trouble.." I said while scuffing my left foot on the ground and looking down. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Shoto.

"It was really no trouble at all. And I'm sorry too. I don't know if it was me that caused you to cry or what, but I'm really sorry I didn't go after you sooner. Uraraka had to push me out to go find you."

I looked down and saw some ice on the ground. Crap! I frantically waved my hands in front of my face to keep him from looking down. "No no no! It's not your fault! I was just thinking! Thats all." I said a bit flustered. He smiled a bit and took his hand off my shoulder.

"Come on, let's go to class." Shoto said and turned to walk in the doors. I quickly shot some fire at the ice patch and skipped a step to catch up to him. Since he is way taller than I am I had to basically run to keep up. I looked up at him while he kept his eyes frontwards. I was walking on his left so all I could see was his red hair and scar. 

I remember the story that mom told me about. How he got that scar in the first place. She said she regrets it so much and wishes she could see him again.

"She didn't mean it." I said aloud but quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Shoto looked over at me and cocked his head to the side a bit.

"What did you say? Sorry I didn't hear you."

Shoto's POV

"Ah! It was nothing! Just talking to myself, haha." Eimi laughed. I only asked what she said to see if she would say it again. But she covered it up. I actually heard what she said though. What does she mean by 'she didn't mean it'? I continued walking until I felt a small hand grasp my sleeve. I looked down to see Eimi.

"Uh Todoroki. The class is right here." She said while pointing at the door.

"Oh. Sorry." We both walked into the class to find it was empty. It normally was when I got here anyway. I leave the house early because I don't want to deal with father. We walked to our desks and sat down. Eimi got her things out and placed them on her desk, then getting her phone out and playing a game. I got my books out and placed them on my desk as well. I looked in front of me and swallowed a gulp.

"Hey Todo?" I asked. It took her a minute to look over at me, it was like she didn't know her last name.

"Yeah?" She answered in a sweet voice.

"You can call me Shoto if its easier for you."

Her eyes lit up and she clasped her hands together. 

"Really? I can!?" She asked excitedly. I nodded my head and looked back at my books.

"Hey Shoto." I looked over at her again. "You can just call me Eimi, okay?"

I was about to reply when a clumsy person fell threw the door. Eimi stood up to see who is was. She laughed and quickly ran over to help them.

"Oh Deku! Your too clumsy aren't you?" She laughed as I saw her help Midoriya stand up.

"Sorry!" He yelled and bowed to Eimi. She freaked out and made Midoriya stand back up.

"No! Don't bow to me!" She flipped her hands around and one caught her hair. It lifted up a bit and I thought I saw some red. 

As Eimi and Midoriya freaked out at each other about bowing and what not, someone opened the door.

"What are you guys even doing?" A bubbly voice called out. Uraraka soon came into view and looked back over at me. She winked and started trying to fix the two in front of her. Midoriya and Eimi have a similar personality. Only Eimi is much more, emotional. (isn't that hard to believe? XD)

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