"Oops, sorry almost forgot that." She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen out of her bag and wrote something down. She handed me the paper. "Here, this is her address. Don't lose it or you'll get lost."


"Call me if you do though and I'll tell you again."

I nodded and looked at the paper while she walked away. 

"That's actually not to far from my house."

I looked up at the sky. The sun was setting already. Her parent's must be worried, I better hurry up. I started walking when I felt Eimi shiver. I guess I could use my arm to warm her up a bit. Only until we get to her house. I made my arm emit a small amount of heat as I walked, checking every so often to see if she was fine. Since my house was on the way to hers I thought I should leave my stuff at home first. I quietly made my way to my door and was about to open it when Fuyumi opened it. She was about to say something when she stopped and looked at Eimi.

She cocked her head to the side and asked.


"She ran away crying, then fell asleep on the wall outside. I'm taking her back home. Just thought it would be easier to leave my bag here than take it with me."

"How far away is her house, and who exactly is she. Like name wise." Fuyumi asked.

I looked up at her then down at Eimi.

"Eimi." I said. Fuyumi stepped back a bit. I looked a bit confused at her and she brushed it off.

"Oh, okay. Bring her home than come straight back."

"Okay." I said and turned around to start walking to her house. I wonder why Fuyumi stepped back like that? I'll have to ask her later.

Fuyumi's POV

I closed the door and watched Shoto walk down the path and back onto the street. I stepped back then leaned against the wall.

"So she is alive." I looked down. "Thank goodness"

Shoto's POV

I finally made it to Eimi's house and to my surprise her house was pretty big, close to mine even.

"I wonder who her parent's are to get this big of a house."

I walked up the steps to her door and knocked. I waited a few minutes and then a older lady opened the door.

"Oh hello what can I do- Eimi!" She gasped a bit. I smiled slightly.

"Oh uh, she fell asleep outside and I was told not to wake her and bring her home."

The older women looked up at me and seemed a bit startled.

"I-is that so? Well do please come in." She stepped aside as to let me in. I carefully took off my shoes and the women took off Eimi's then handing them to me.

"Since these are a part of her costume, they should stay together."

I nodded and took them in the same hand that her bag was in.

"If you would be so kind to bring her to her room? I'm afraid I couldn't carry her there."

"Of course." I answered politely.

"Her room is the third one on the right once you get up the stairs. And don't tuck her in, I'll be in there soon to put her in her pjs."

I nodded and made my way to the stairs. I made sure to hold her closer to my body as we went up the stairs, careful to not have her hit the walls. As I walked down the hall I couldn't help but notice family pictures. The one I happened to look at was a side profile of all of them. They were all looking to the right and smiling. That's a interesting idea, it looks quite good. And Eimi had long hair back then. 

"She looks pretty with long hair, I think she should've kept it that way." 

I continued down the hall until I reached the third door on the right. I looked at the door and it said Eimi's Room. Followed by a bunch of hearts and cute things. I chuckled a bit and opened the door. I expected it to colourful and bright but what I found was different.

Her walls were painted a dark, almost more to the blue side of purple and she had some black out dark purple curtains. Her bed spread was a dark navy colour and her pillows where a dark purple as well. Her dresser brought in a bit of contrast as it was pure white. Her desk and chair were also white. The wall to the left held a closet and another door. I'm guessing to a bathroom. She also had a small white table like dresser thing in between the bathroom and closet door. It held some pictures and little doodads. 

I placed her bag and shoes on the floor next to her bed and then went to put her on her bed, only to find a drawing book open to a page and a pencil sitting beside it. I picked up the book and pencil and placed it on her desk. I then carefully laid Eimi down on her bed and picked up the drawing book. The picture was what seemed to be a rough draft of a drawing of two people, one being a boy and one being a girl. They were very different in height but seemed to be close. Boyfriend girlfriend perhaps? I shook my head and placed the book down. 

I looked at Eimi sleeping and brushed some of her bangs out of her face. She seemed so peaceful. I wonder why she was crying earlier. I might just have to ask her about it.

I quietly made my way out her room and slowly closed the door behind me. I went to turn down the hall and became face to face with a boy. He seemed to be a few years older than me. Maybe 19?

"Oh uh, goodnight." I said and walked past him.

Dokami's POV

I watched as the boy walked down the hall and then down the stairs. Red and white hair, but opposite sides to Eimi's. Big scar on his left side of his face. I bet it's him.

I heard Grandma say goodbye to the boy and then walk upstairs.

"Hey Gran, was that by any chance Shoto?" I asked as she made her way to Eimi's room.

"Yes, that was. He's grown up quite a lot now hasn't he?" She said while walking into Eimi's room. I followed her and she looked at the sleeping girl lying in bed. "Both of 'em have."

I nodded and slowly made my way over to her. I carefully lifted her head and gently pulled off her wig.

"I bet she doesn't want to be wearing this to bed now does she?" I said. 

"Yes, now I need to get her into her pjs. Oh but she needs to take out her contact." 

"Don't worry, I can do that." I said and with a snap of my fingers her contacts where in my hand. My quirk is teleportation. I can take anyone, or anything and teleport it somewhere else. In this case, I took Eimi's contact out from her eyes and to my hand. I walked over to her bathroom and placed it in the contact holder and walked back to see grandma taking her socks off. I helped by taking the bottom half cape thing off as well as the hood.

The rest of the job was for grandma, since it was the clothing part. I said goodnight and walked to my own room.

Grandma's POV

I watched Dokami walked out of the room before shutting the door. I carefully started to take Eimi's clothes off and then put her pjs on. I then used my quirk to lifted her up. In reality I could have brought her upstairs but she just looked so comfortable in Shoto's arms I couldn't ruin it for her. And besides, Shoto was already holding her so what was the point anyway. I lifted up her blanket and the placed her down. I covered her in the blanket and moved some of her hair away from her mouth. I knows she drools sometimes and she gets mad at it because her hair gets 'ruined' she likes to call it. But all she needs to do is brush it out.

I was just about to leave when I saw her drawing book. I picked it up and looked at the drawing. It was of a girl and a boy, very different in height yet they looked similar. I smiled at Eimi and placed the book down, closing it. 

"She only just found out about Shoto and is already finding ways to include him in her life without him knowing. That girl sure is a special one." I said while closing the door.

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