Chapter 25

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Macey thought about Nathalie's words a lot.

She wanted to change things, she really did, but letting go was never easy.

The following day Macey called in sick for work and locked herself in her room. To say Michael was worried when he got up in the morning and saw Macey not being awake already would have been a big understatement.

"Macey?" he knocked at the door a few times. "Shouldn't you be gone already? On Friday's you usually leave before me."

"I called in sick."

"Why? What's wrong, baby?" He wanted to open the door, but then he realised it was locked. "Mace?"

"I'm fine, Mike, go to work," she mumbled.

The boy heard something falling to the floor in his girlfriend's room, followed by her silently cursing.


"Really, I'm fine, love, don't worry."

"Okay..." Michael trailed off. "Call if you need me, alright? I'll be back at 4."

Then he heard a few sobs she tried to hold back.

The boy didn't know what to do. Should he say something? Should he try to break open the door? Or should he just leave?

He groaned and roughly brushed his hair out of his face. "I can just stay home today, Mace, it wouldn't be a big deal."

Michael heard the sobs stopping, followed by footsteps, shortly after the door was unlocked and opened.

When the boy's eyes met his girlfriend's bloodshot ones he immediately pulled her into his embrace. And when he saw the mess in her room his concern grew even bigger.

The girl chuckled slightly as she wrapped her arms around him as well. "Mikey, you are overreacting, I'm fine."

She knew she was lying.

And so knew he.

Yet he let go anyway, and just placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Alright. I'm only a call away, okay?"

Macey nodded and cracked a smile.

It hurt Michael to see her like that.

He nervously turned around and left the house, a weird feeling in his gut, and everything inside him screaming for him to not leave her alone.

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