Chapter 15

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"Are you cold?" Michael asked after the two have been skating around for almost three hours.

"I'm fine."

"You are shaking." The boy quickly pulled off his jacket and laid it over Macey's shoulder. "Let's get something to eat, this place closes soon anyway."

The girl nodded. "Thank you."

Michael grinned at her and they walked back to change into their normal shoes again.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Anything, really."

"What about burgers? There is a good place near here."

At least Michael hoped it was good, he never was there before, Ashton told him about it.

"Sounds good."

They gave their skates back and left the building, their fingers brushed against each other slightly while walking. Macey felt his warm fingertips against her own cold ones, she wanted to take his hand, or him to take hers. Michael wanted to take her hand, to warm up her freezing fingers.

But none of them did anything.

They both were still not sure about this, about what to do and not, about what is right and wrong.

About what they actually were.

The rest of the evening was quite good. They talked a lot, like always, about stupid things just as much as about serious topics. They talked about music and video games, they talked about the past and the future, they talked about their goals and about what they would change if they could, they talked about the day before and the day after.

They even talked about Jack, which may seem weird considering that this was a date and he was Macey's ex. But under the circumstances they were in it was a good thing, for Macey and Michael.

It helped them both to realise where they stood. It helped Macey to sort out her feelings, and it helped Michael to understand through what inner battles his best friend was going.

But Macey also realised that, even after everything that happened, she was still lying to Michael.

She was lying to Michael about therapy, god, after the first few sessions she could totally understand why Jack didn't want to go there.

Macey stopped going one month after Jack's death, she saw her therapist only four times.

And then there were secrets, lots of secrets she was hiding from all her friends.

But Macey pushed all these thoughts to the side and concentrated on the boy in front of her, and nothing else.

The day passed by way too fast and they both just wanted to stop time, they wanted to go back and be with each other forever.

Everything that counted that day were Michael and Macey, the two of them, together. Everything that counted were their feelings for each other and the time they shared.

Michael walked to the girl's room with her, their fingers laced together, since Michael finally took her hand.

Macey turned around and leaned against her door.

"I had a great time, Mikey."

The boy smiled. "Me too. Maybe we can do that again one day?"

Macey nodded. "I'd love to."

They locked eyes, both of them light-hearted smiles on their lips, both of them satisfied with how their date turned out to be.

Both of them happy, happy and nothing else.

Macey broke up their eye contact and looked down to the floor, blushing slightly.

Michael chuckled and lifted up the girl's chin again with his index finger. Macey shivered a little under his touch, and her cheeks heat up even more when she was forced to look right in her best friend's eyes again.

The boy laid one of his hands on her cheek and the other one on her waist as he leaned in slowly. Their lips just brushed, and Macey wanted more than that, she wanted to taste him, feel him.

Kiss him.

With that, the girl wrapped her arms around Michael's neck and pulled him down to her. The kiss they shared was unlikely every other they ever had.

There were more feelings in this one than in the ones they had as teenagers.

There was more passion in this one than in the one they had on the beach

And it was longer, way longer, than the one they had on the ice earlier that day.

Everything about it was perfect.

When they pulled away again Michael quickly pecked her lips another time, and another, and another, causing her to chuckle softly.

"Goodnight, Beautiful." With those words, Michael turned around and walked to his room.

When Macey sat on her bed just a few minutes later she didn't want to feel the way she felt.

She wanted to be happy about the day like she was happy before.

She didn't want to realise everything.

She didn't want to feel guilty.

She didn't even have a reason to feel like that.

But she couldn't help but cry.

Poor Macey :(

I finished A Midsummer Night's Dream and now I'm sad cuz I read every book by Shakespeare I own (which is not a lot cuz I'm broke) poor me :(

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