Chapter 24

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"I've seen you doing this for three months now and I really didn't want to say something... but this can't go on like that, Macey."

The girl couldn't look her friend in the eyes. She knew how right she was, of course she was.


"No, Mace, I'm sorry, but you need to tell him."

"Please," she looked up with pleading eyes, "Don't make me do that. He means the world to me, I've been happier than ever the past few months. I don't want to ruin this."

Nathalie stood next to Macey and laid her arm around her shoulder. "You wouldn't ruin anything. You just can't keep lying to him. He still thinks you go to therapy, right?"

Macey nodded her head slowly.

"He doesn't know about the letter?"

“But he really doesn't need to know that.“

"He doesn't know you still text his number sometimes?"

Macey winced, she wished she would have never told her best girl friend about that. "I stopped..."

"When was the last time?"

The black-haired girl sighed heavily. "Three days ago."

"He doesn't know you still have the ring with you all the time?"

"What?" The girl looked at her friend shocked. "I haven't!"

Nathalie frowned and groaned in annoyance. "You have it on your keychain."

"I- I... yeah..."

“Which wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't that you put it there because you don't want him to know that the ring means a lot to you. But he wouldn't mind, Mace.“

The brown-haired girl laid back on Macey's bed and took a moment to think about everything.

"Do you really like Michael?"

Macey didn't hesitate to answer, "Of course I do, Nat."

"He told you he loves you and you didn't say it back."

The girl's face dropped, and she led her body slide down to the floor on one of the walls. "You shouldn't know that."

"But I do."

"He shouldn't have told you about that..."

"Macey, please."

"He didn't think about it! He said this too soon! You don't just randomly say something like that after dating for just two months!"

"Do you love him?" the girl's voice was almost cold. She didn't intend to sound rude, but she was the only one who knew what was really going on, and she needed to be honest to Macey. She has seen her friend lying to Michael for months now, and even after they officially became a thing she still hasn't come true to him.

Michael didn't deserve that.

When Macey didn't answer, Nathalie knew enough.

"I love you, Mace, really. You are a great person. I know that you are going through a lot, but you can't keep doing this. Neither Michael nor you deserve this. If you don't think you can ever love him at least the same you loved Jack you need to break up with him, Michael deserves better than that, and we both know that.“

And with that she left Macey's room, without even saying goodbye.

It was hard for Nathalie to do that, she wanted to stay, she wanted to comfort her friend, but it was the right thing to do, and she knew that.

No matter how hurt Macey was, she needed to hear those words more than anything.

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