Brian Jones/Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones)

Start from the beginning

   "I get ready quick," She told him, not very eager about this party, or more so the fact that she had to go with the man who had abused her.

   "Alright, fine, whatever," He stated defensively. "I don't care how you look anyways."

   She was tempted to yell at him, and ask what his problem was, but she figured that would only lead to a repeat of last night.

   "Oh, and by the way," He told her. "You're probably going to want to put some makeup on that thing." He pointed to her eye, referring to the newly formed bruise. "We, uh probably wouldn't want people to be asking."

   She quickly nodded her head, seeming as if she agreed with him. However, all she wanted was for people to ask. For people to bring it up so she had an excuse to get out of it.

   "I'll just get out now," She whispered, both to herself and Brian.

   Brian shook his head and walked away, not waiting for the girl to follow.

   Swimming over to the edge of the pool, and pushing herself up to get out, she walked over to the near chair where she set her towel before.

   She picked it up, and looked above her while she dried off. For a moment she could've sworn she saw a black head of hair from one of the high windows in the apartment, looking down at her.

   Keith, was who she thought it was. Had he heard the whole dispute? What was she thought about. But sooner than he was there, he disappeared, and she couldn't see him anymore

   She believed she was going insane.


   The drive with Brian was uneventful, and completely silent the entire way. And though that might sound like a bad thing, she couldn't have been more relieved.

She decided to wear a dark blue shirt tucked into a dark yellow skirt, with a section of her hair pulled back behind her head.

And she would have worn more makeup if she didn't have to cover the huge bruise masking her face with concealer.

Nevertheless, she was happy with her appearance, no matter what Brian or any one had to say about it.

The party for Mick was at a local bar in the town they were staying in, in Morocco.

Not to her surprise, parking was limited, and Brian could only find a tight enough spot that was close to the bar.

Eager to be with other people, she got out of the car quickly, and walked inside, Brian followed behind.

The smell of hard liquor and cigarettes immediately hit the two, but they didn't have much time to focus before they were being greeted by Mick and Marianne.

"Aw, welcome!" They both shouted at the same time.

Exchanging hugs, and saying "Happy Birthday," to Mick, and making small talk, went on for a couple of minutes, before she and Brian wandered off, going their separate ways.

She recognized a familiar face, sitting at the bar by himself. It was the same one she had appeared to see in the window earlier that day, Keith Richards.

She ended up going over there and ordering only some soda, wanting to be sober for whatever could happen back at the hotel tonight. Sitting next to him, he greeted her with a nod and half-smile.

"Only soda?" He asked her when she got the Coke she ordered.

"Yep," She replied. "I don't plan on getting drunk."

"Well," He started. "I definitely might. But then again, who wants to miss Charlie punch out Mick for the second year in a row?"

She chuckled, and he grinned. Last year, on Mick's birthday, Charlie punched Mick and knocked him straight out. No one knew exactly why, but one could guess with the way Charlie and Mick's personalities differed.

"Oh, most definitely not," She told him, her voice sounding defiant.

A moment of silence passed between the two, and she quickly realized that she should keep the conversation going, or she would most likely be left alone.

"So, how are you enjoying the trip?" She asked.

"Uh," He hesitated for a slight second. "It's alright. Sort of like touring. I like seeing new places and all that shit, but I'd much rather be at home."

She agreed with him, noticing herself that she had been missing her old life. Before it was since she came to the foreign country.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. I kind of miss how things were before this trip happened as well." She spoke her mind.

"You mean like what happened with Brian?" He said out of nowhere, acting like nothing had happened.

"What-" She struggle to find the right words. "What do you mean?"

She began to figure out that she had seen Keith from that tall window. He had heard and seen everything.

  "What he did to you (Y/N). You know what I mean."

  "Look, Keith, it was nothing. Nothing happened." She kept trying to make up excuses. "I made a mistake, and Brian was drunk, but nothing really happened."

  "Then what about your black eye you had this morning?" He asked, inching closer to her.

   "I fell," She swiftly stated. She had a response planned since this morning.

  "On your eye?" He questioned, making her feel even more uncomfortable.

    Before, she wanted people to find out what happened. But now, the pressure was weighing down on her, and she thought of all the consequences that would occur if she told.

    "Yeah," She squeaked.

   But Keith wasn't buying it. "(Y/N)," He softly said. "Did Brian hurt you?"

   "It was stupid," She avoided the question. "He- he... He came back to the hotel drunk, and... it was really, a stupid situation."

   She was on the verge of breaking down into tears, but she refused to let herself do so.

   "(Y/N)," He repeated. He knew what happened.

   She broke down. Right then and there, straight into Keith's arms.

And she sobbed. She cried and cried. And she couldn't help but wonder if it was all really worth it anymore.

Ok the ending is super rushed but the rest of it is kind of okay? I'm sorry if this offended anyone but I don't really care 'cause I put a trigger warning in the beginning and I am pretty proud of this. Thanks for reading, and please request!! -Liz :)

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