Chapter 72, Let it snow...

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It's that time of year again......CHRISTMAS!!!!

*Yami's POV*

"I can't believe it's snowing!!" Yugi yelled and held up his hands. We were two days away from the concert and this was one of our rare days off. Yugi was allowed to be with me and his guard trusted me to look after him. "I don't even remember the last time I have seen this!!"

I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my head on his shoulder and humed. I remember that I have to tell him of my past, but it's Christmas tomorrow and I do not want to spoil anything. "Yami are you alright? It's seems like something is on your mind," Yugi asked and placed a hand on mine that was still wrapped around him. He knows everything with me doesn't he?

"There is, but I can't say right now," I said and kissed his cheek. "Tomorrow, at 11 at night I will say alright? Will you be alright with that?" He nodded his head and I was happy he was willing to wait. We made our way back to the hotel and I knew I had to try and get something great for him that means something for the both of us.

Then, a idea popped into my head. "Yugi go on a head and I'll catch up. Remember where the hotel is?" I asked and although he wanted to fight me, I was determined to do this. It's only a 5 minute walk so it shouldn't be too bad... "Wait just come with me and stand outside."

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to a shop. I found the right one and he listened to me waiting outside. The owner of the shop smiled and gasped when she saw my face. "Oh my, Yami Sennen. What can I do for you?" she asked and smiled.

"Just trying to have a look around for something for my partner, something that is not too clichè and something meanable," I said and looked around. I didn't want to get anything for his neck, he wears his music box. "How about.....something for his hand?"

"Oh a male partner huh? Lovely, let me have a little look round," she said and winked coming from behind her counter and looked in a book sitting next on the desk. She was flipping through and stopped on a page, smiling while wandering in the back. I looked back at Yugi and he was crouched down, I was tempted to go out and check on him until I saw a tail wagging back and forth.

"Here Mr Sennen, I'm pretty sure these will be perfect for your partner. I won't treat you different, you're just a normal customer for me but I'm a huge fan girl," she said and smiled again. I saw what it was she got and was happy with what it was, so I paid the normal price for it and left joining Yugi.

He tried seeing what it was, but the woman wrapped it up so he couldn't see, which made him huff and speed up a little in front of me. We got into the hotel and he came back to my room, we even managed to get it where he could sleep with me for the night. I can't wait for tomorrow.

I made sure to have wrapping paper and got it all done up and palced in my bedside table for the night. I went into the living room and Heba had come in with Atem, Heba was playing Mario Kart with Yugi and they were both very competitive. It felt like I was watching a couple of kids.

The day went by in a flash and we were asleep for Christmas.

******The Next Morning******

Yugi woke up before me and made sure I was up, by pouring a cup of slightly cold water on me. "You are so lucky I love you..." I mumbled and he got up giggling running off into the living room. I dragged myself out of bed and he was sitting on the couch waiting for me to sit. "Hm snow seems to have piled up huh?"

"Yep, which I want to go out with you later if that's alright, but I want to give you something before we leave," he said and leaned down to under the table and grabbed a wrapped up box. I wondered what it was and started to unwrap it, it was a golden watch that I have had my eye on for a while. "Like it?"

"Yugi I love it, thank you so much," I said and kissed him. I grabbed the box behind me and was ready to give him it. "Now my turn, here." I gave him the box and his smile grew and begun to unwrap it. He got to the box and opened it to reveal...

Two rings.

"We may not have been together for long so it's a bit too early for this. But this is my way of promising you that in the future, you'll be wearing a ring on your actual ring finger from me," I said and he started blush. He grabbed on and placed it on the right hand finger next to his pinky and gave me the other one. I copied his action and brought up my hand to his, a perfect match. "Never take that off, you hear me?"

"Yes sir," he joked placed his head on my shoulder. I couldn't' ask for anything else other then just to be here with him. The others came in and showed what they all had gotten for each other. Marik and Bakura got earrings for each other, Heba and Atem got each other necklaces and Seto got a dragon pendant from someone. He still hasn't told us who it is he is talking to...

Yugi, Heba and Bakura dragged us out and we ended up having a snowball fight, which ended up Seto sticking snow down Atem's pants and Heba catching a cold. All in all we had a fun day, Yugi and I even made a snowman to which we couldn't dress up and had to leave but we could see it.

We all sat in Atem's room, just because he had the bigger room so we all could sit and even have Christmas dinner in the room. Heba was just sneezing the entire time and I was watching the clock, 8pm. This is killing my nerves. I used to have good nerves, ever since I met Yugi they have just went out the window.

"Yugi, see instead of waiting until 11 could I talk to you now if that's alright?" I asked and he nodded. We left the others and went into Atem's room, I closed the door behind us. "Might want to take a seat for this, this story will take a looooong time."

Little bit of a Christmas special for ya'll. I was soo tempted to get hm to propose but na, I'm not gonna do that yet. So what do you all think of the boys gifts for each other?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if do let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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