Chapter 16, Helping him out...

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*Yami's POV*
Once we got back, we all separated into our rooms and Yugi went straight to his laptop. "Still working on your single? Keep working like that and you'll end up ill one day," I said and joined him again on his bed.

"I wanna get it done so I can work on another song. I have a bunch of songs in mind to complete a album and the story that's in the songs," he said and brought up some sticky notes he had saved. "Seeing how people know pretty much all about my past my songs are a darker, more violent side of me."

I guess the whole story is he gets payback from his father, maybe that's what was happening when I last saw. But maybe now, he might talk about his past to me now. "I don't know, I don't know anything about you. If it's too hard then don't tell me," I said and rubbed his shoulder.

He took a breath then brought up a picture on his phone. "See how it's only me and my mother, well my father did some..." he stopped and sounded like he was choking on his words. "Some terrible stuff and we kicked him out of the house. So my album is going to be about the effects of what he did and how it changed me."

"I'm really sorry to hear about your father Yugi," I said and brought him closer so we were almost hugging. "What do you have planned for the next song. Or even better the rest of your first song if you don't mind me asking."

"Well, the way it's gonna end is me going after a group involved with him but the police come and I run off, then it'll cut to black," he said and smiled proud of himself.  I can tell a fake smile when I see it. "It'll set up the stage for the next song for when I'm going down further into a spiral and darkness clouds my mind."

"Wow, so it's the complete opposite of you," I said and brought him under my arm. "Your a complete fuzz ball!"

He kept laughing and tried to get out of my grip but I had too strong of a grip on him. He just gave up and flopped down on my lap and looked up at me. "Wanna be in one of my videos?" he asked and didn't seem to realize what he just said because he blinked at me and started to turn red.

He sat up from my lap and rushed out of the room. I guess he was really embarrassed about that question. I couldn't help but let a laugh at him.

*Yugi's POV*
I ran to the bathroom and soaked my face with water, I can't believe that I actually asked him to film with me!! Once I got from under the cold water I dried my face off and grabbed the guts to go back into the room. I saw Yami was laying on his own bed with a book hiding his face.

"U-um sorry about just running out like, I er had to go," I said and rubbed my neck. This all has been too much, the time I've spent with him and the others. But it's been a lot worse with being beside Yami in that dance studio.

"D-Don't worry about it," he said and looked over his book and made eye contact with me. I looked away as soon as I could and flopped down on my bed with my music box next to me. "B-But were you serious when you asked me to be in a video? Because if you were I'd gladly do it."

I think my heart just stopped beating there, he is alright with doing this. I just gave him a thumbs up and dived under my covers. He is one of the few people who I've decided to trust with my past. Only my friends Joey, Tristan, Duke and Tea all know and were the only people that I trusted with the right story.

Which reminds me, I should probably text Joey and see how things are. I grabbed my phone from the drawer and had a look at the time, 11:55 pm. He should still be up he always stays up late.

Y- Hey Joey, sorry I haven't talked in ages. Things have been hepatic, you up right now?

J-Yeah, omr you're actually alive. I was temped to find where The Dragons stayed and to come see if you were alright. Give me the juicy details on everything.

Y- Well you know I'm living with them, I'm sharing a room with Yami and we have just went over on where we're going for the tour. Also we may or may not be dance partners...

J- SHUT UP. You have got to be faking that, what is he like because we both know he can't dance. Remember the interview where he was pinned up against Marik and got destroyed?

Y- Yeah I remember but he ain't that bad. Oh yeah a update on my single, it should be coming out soon but the next one I do will have a special guest.

J- I don't even need to guess to know who it will be, I'm actually so happy for you. Your sharing a room with your lover~ Don't let things get too steamy in that room.

Y- Oh shut up!! Like things would ever get like that between us two, he barley knows me so he would never like me like that.

J- You've seen it yourself what some people are like on tour, they get reallllll close, I gotta go now, getting a call for a party and I'm going to be so drunk I won't know my name! Stay in contact dude.

Y- Enjoy, and do be careful . I'm not there to drag your sorry butt home when you can't tell reality from your dream.

After that I didn't get anything else from him and I sneaked a glance at Yami and he was passed out. I think this is my first time seeing his sleeping face in person, the only time I saw him sleeping was from one of Marik's vlogs. I need to sleep as well, I'm getting the final part of my song done tomorrow. 

Two sleepless nights in a row isn't good for a person. Unfortunately my mind has too much going on to let me sleep and I just wanna scream into a pillow!!! But at least I can do this to ease my thoughts.

So they're not only dance partners but they're also film partners. What's next, they date? MAYYYYYYYYYBBBBBBEEEEEEE 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE !!

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