Chapter 38, Time flies...

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*Yugi's POV*

2's already been two months since that day horrid day. That day from when Yami had told me that I no longer had a mother. And the news that followed with that when I said I was leaving, it's all been so hard. 

*2 months ago. Before Yugi left...*

I told him...I don't want to be anywhere right now but home. If, if I wasn't on this tour and away from her. Then I could of been there in her final moments. Yami hasn't said anything to me since I said I want to be home, I've already messaged Joey and told him I'm coming back. I'll deal with my Twitter later on. 

Atem walked in and it looked like he told someone to wait behind the door. "Look I'm sorry guys but this needs to be done. Yami I'd appreciate it if you actually look at me," he said and Yami just got up from the seat and folded his arms while bringing his head up. "Yugi, when your mother passed away she left a message. I left it to Yami to inform you but I've been told you're leaving so I'm doing this."

"Atem don't do this, he's had enough. Just drop it and we'll get around to it another day," Yami said and it sounded more look a growl. He dropped his arms and stood in front of my view, you could feel he was angry. 

"Yami, move. It's not your place to say what he can and can't see. I have him here so move it, or do I need to force you?" Atem said and I saw Yami shrink a little, slowly shuffling over to the seat and sat back down. Atem cleared his throat and held out his hand to the door, another hand took it. "Yugi, this is gonna shock you. But I have someone here who wants to talk to you. Come out Heba."

Someone walked from behind the door. And I believe that that is me, my soul has left my body and that is me. "Um...h-hello Yugi. I er, it's nice to meet you," the person said and held their head down. This doesn't make any sense, why does he look so much like me? I know there's looks alikes to some people, is this the case here? But why, why is he here?"

"Do you know who this is Yugi? Do you know him at all?" Atem asked and I shook my head, the random stranger started to play with his hands and shift his feat. "His name is Heba, Heba Muto." Muto? Yeah some people have the same last name, what of it? "He...he is your twin brother."


What. No that's not possible, I'm an only child. I always have been, this has to be some sort of a mistake. "Yami did you give him the letter?" Atem asked and I instantly looked at him. He knew? He knew and he hid this from me? Yami reached into his pocket and grabbed a letter and threw it on the bed, but stormed out the room afterwards. I can't believe this.... "Yugi, I'm so so sorry for this. For all of this, I know how it feels to lose someone."

"Just leave, get out and leave me alone please...."I said and Atem nodded, grabbing Heba on the shoulders and walked out closing the door. The tears...they never stop. This has to be some sort of nightmare. 

Someone...wake me up.

*Present day*

My shot wound has gotten a lot better, it stopped hurt a week ago and I've started to try and dance again. My Twitter has been none stopped blowing up, the fans which I've learned are called The Draggys are always messaging me hoping I'm alright. I tell them I'm fine, but on the inside I know I'm still shaken. 

Heba has also tried to get in contact with me, I'm still trying to get over the fact that he's my brother. The letter said he was given away at birth, so how am I supposed to take that? It's hard, it's really hard but with Joey I'm slowly getting there. "Hey Yuge, have you talked to any of the others since you left?" Joey asked and dangled off the side of my bed. 

He was staying over for a week and was telling me how collage has been, I'm surprised they were still alright with me leaving. "No I haven't. I haven't really wanted to for a while," I said and brought up the Twitter page for them. They should be in Australia right now, they post a lot of pictures of them but I've noticed something, Yami isn't in any of them. Even though he hid so much from me, I-I.

I still miss him. He was there for me so much, he was there when I was ready to leave. To give up on the tour, he was there to pick me back up on my feet. I heard Joey shift from the bed and he looked over at my phone. "You miss them don't you? Or is it just Yami?" he asked and. That was it, I just started crying.

"I-I-I miss them Joey. I miss Yami... I miss him so much it hurts..." I said and brought my legs to my chest. "I've never loved someone as much as him. And now that I'm away from hurts. H-He has helped me so much, even when he didn't know me much. Joey... help me. Tell me what I can do."

"Two words bro. Message. Him. What harm can it do? I'm sure he'd be thrilled to hear from you, and if you back out I'll take your phone and do it myself. I know your password," he said making me go beetroot red. 

I grabbed my phone and went to his number, my fingers shaking over the keys as I typed a message. "Are you sure this is alright? I mean he might have lost feelings for me..." I said and looked at the photo on my background. Me and him at the park, that day.

"Just press send already!" he yelled and went to grab my phone but I moved out the way.

'Hey Yami...I'm sorry it's been a while. I wanted to see how you and the others are.'

And sent.

Oh yes another chapter out, love the weekends. Can work on these without many troubles, that is until I get homework.

2 months passed and Yugi is not that bad huh? Still hurting but he's getting there, back home in Domino. When he heals, will he return to the tour? What will Yami's reply be? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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