Chapter 66, Working hard...

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*1 month pass.*

*Yami's POV*

"And that's another single done Yami! You really have been working hard haven't you?" Atem said and I just nodded out of breath. Atem was with me as I was recording the dance video for it. I have been working none stop for the past month and with the final concert around the bend I've never been so happy for a tour to be nearing the end. "I'm proud. Maybe we should always do tours like this."

"A-Are you kidding? We would all die. Seto seems to be the only one who can keep with all this," I said and grabbed my towel to dry off my head from the sweat that  had now formed. "Maybe we should try and push the others to be down here practicing as well."

Atem laughed because he knew there would be no they would come down. Marik and Bakura love their time together too much. And Seto still talks to his special someone on his phone, it's went from meeting them on a fan website to having their phone numbers. And believe me when I say I've tried to listen to who it is. Nope, every time I get to the door of his room he shuts up and kicks me the next time he sees me. 

The door to the studio opened and a person walked in, I smiled at them as they came over and hugged Atem. "And how's my little star doing? Another part in a movie?" Atem asked and kissed his boyfriend. 

"Yep, but the filming doesn't start until we're more closer to Christmas so I'm kind of free till then. Also it starts in Germany so could I come with you guys?" he asked and Atem couldn't be more happier showering him with kisses. And now I was starting to feel jealous.

For I haven't seen Yugi all day.   

Because of what I was forced to agree on a month ago I hardly see him throughout the days. The agreement was not even made by us or Atem even. It was the fans.

When they learned of my plan and what my answer was they were fuming with me, for one almost going through with my plan and two for not believing in myself. In fact we ended up arguing with them and of course no one was on my side. And I caved in.

So we ended up doing what Atem suggested to me, Yugi now has a guard and is still in The Dragons. However, apart of the agreement was that I could not see him as much as I used to unless I thought differently about myself.

And what a cruel month it has been. I couldn't even touch him, I wasn't allowed to do anything to him and was forced to watch as another man followed his every step. Is it wrong to have a urge to kill another human being?

"Ladies, can you quit this make out season while I'm here please?" I said while throwing my towel onto a table. They finally drew apart, Heba practically gasping for air. They have spent a lot more time together recently, I wouldn't be surprised to if Heba actually moved in with us and lived in our dorm. But we would need to get sound prove all over for their room. Enough said there.

My phoned blipped and I picked it up looking at who messaging me while getting a drink of my water bottle.

'We think you deserve something since you have been working oh so hard as our leader. Return to your room and you'll see. Also keep it hush hush.' M.

What's that cheeky bugger up to now? "Atem I'm heading up to my room, I'll be back down soon," I said and left. He didn't complain as it meant they would have some time to themselves. I made my way up the stairs and found Marik standing at the top looking down at me smirking. "What's in my room? Who even let you in?"

"You forget you're not the only one with a key. Besides you'll only figure out what is in your room when you walk in," he said and started to walk with me. "Also I managed to actually see what is on Kaiba's phone ad oooo boy was I surprised."

"Well don't keep me in the dark Marik, fess up," I said as I reached into my pocket for my key but Marik opened the door showing it was already unlocked. He shoved me in and started to close the door, but not before peaking through the gap.

"Two words. Blond boy," he said and closed the door. Blond boy? What in fudge does that even mean?

I was cut out of thought as I heard the lock turning and instantly reached into my pocket. That little rat took my key, how did he even do that? I just sighed and made my way to my room seeing that the door was slightly a jar. Why do I get the feeling like he has messed up everything in my room?

Preparing to have a rage attack, I opened the door fully and my mouth dropped for what I seen on my bed. "Hey there you, been a while hasn't it?" he said and I couldn't even speak.

There he was, sitting on the edge of my bed was the one person who I have been dying to see properly for over a month. And the outfit he had on was making my mind run wild.

He did have his normal black leather pants but he had a tank top on and I forgot he had muscles....

I couldn't help myself to throw myself onto him and connecting our lips for the first time in over a month. I've missed him so damned much...and now he is right in front of me all my stress and worries starting to melt away.

He moved his lips in sync with my own, and for a moment we forgot about air. Separating we had little pants of breathes before re connecting with each other.

The boys are back!!!!! The boys are back!!!! Yeah I think they may or may not have had enough torture for a while. And now I'm really tempted to do a steamy chapter next, but I will say right now if I do I have never attempted something like this.

I'll leave to you guys to chose, or I could do a special on Kaiba and his little thing he has going on. The next chapter will just give the impression Yugi and Yami had fun.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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