Chapter 19, Confrontation...

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*Yami's POV*

I was shaking in anger with just looking at this man, for the pain he has caused. "Yami, I can see your ready to kill but there's someone more important right now in that building that needs us," Marik said and held my wrist. I knew what he meant, Yugi is in there.

I just let out a large sigh and we started to move. He turned his head to us and I caught his eye as soon as and if I could he'd be on the ground right now. "Hold on a minute," he said and put his hand out and stopped me. "I know you from somewhere, who are you? Have I met you before?"

I looked at Marik and he shook his head. "No I'm afraid not sir, please forgive us but we are in a hurry as we're already 15 minutes late," Marik said and took the lead, grabbing my hand tightly and making sure I followed him but not with a finale look at the guy.

We made our way to the studio and I saw that Seto was waiting at the door while Bakura was with Yugi who was pacing and looked a mess. When they heard the door open their eyes shot to us and I could see the relief in them. We both headed to them and Marik patted Bakura but I dragged Yugi into a hug.

"Has he got in? Has he done anything?" I whispered so that no one could hear. Only I know, apart from Marik but I'm the only one who has heard it from his mouth. He just shook his head and then planted it onto my chest.

I looked back and now everyone was standing around us but I didn't let go of him, just turned my body so I could see the group better. "Look I can't explain it much, but there is someone outside we can't talk to. We just leave and go home," I said and Bakura looked off. Seto just nodded and started to out first because his aura is more menacing then any of us.

Marik of course went with Bakura and I kept my arm on Yugi. "I promise I will not let anything happen to you, none of us will," I said and rubbed his shoulders. I can tell he is tense and doesn't want anything to do with his excuse of a father.

We got to the door and saw the guy outside on his phone but looked up and say us, a grin appearing on his face. "Ah Yugi, I've been wondering where you have been. Why don't you text me? I gave you my number you know," he said and pushed himself off the wall.

"I-I haven't had my phone working recently. Also I haven't had texts so I haven't messaged anyone," he said and I felt him grip my hand behind my back.

"Ah that's a shame, how about we go and get some food and talk? I've seen you on t.v and you're looking skinnier each day," he said and stepped forward.

"No I'm sorry but we need to go, we have a photo shoot to do," Seto said and made sure Marik and Bakura went on ahead. He looked at us two and nodded a little making us move forward.

"Excuse me but I'm talking to the kid and not you, so move," he said put a hand on Seto's arm making him flinch at being touched. "Never get in the way of a father-son bond."

I have had enough of this old mans voice so I moved from Yugi's side and to Seto's. "Yeah sorry but no. We need to leave so that means you can talk to him later. Come on guys," I said and made sure I put my arm around Yugi's waist and started to pull him away with Seto following behind.

The old man got annoyed and came in front of me and grabbed my shirt. "Kid you don't know who your messing with. I just want to spend some time with my son, is that so wrong?" he asked and I could see him getting mad and his fist balled.

His grin turned wider as he tried to hit me but I grabbed his wrist and held his arm up. "Hey Seto, if I punch now then it's considered self defense ain't it?" I asked and Seto had the biggest smile on him giving my answer.

I moved my arm from Yugi and pushed him against the wall, holding his hands down with one of mine and my other hand on his shirt just below his throat. "Don't you dare come near me or any of my friends again or you'll be living in jail for the rest of your life. I promise you that."

He didn't show any emotion, he just laughed at me and I had to let go otherwise I would of punched him. "Come on, we need to catch up to the others," Seto said and headed off. I turned and Yugi was already coming to me but looks like fear had taken over his entire body.

I didn't have to grab him because he held my hand and we started to head home. The walk was quiet once we got back to the others and I constantly caught Marik glancing back at us mainly Yugi.

He's so shaken, what can I do to help him? I've never been in this situation because my parents weren't even around when I was being brought up. Once we gt back to the house Seto kept looking back to see if we were getting followed but still put both locks on the door and I took Yugi to our room.

"Can I get you anything? Anything at all I'll do it," I said and placed him on his bed. He didn't even bother getting changed before he wrapped himself in his covers.

"I just wanna be alone and sleep," he said and turned away from me. I know right now isn't the best time for anyone to be alone right now, so I just lay on my bed and got a book out. I could hear him starting to sniffle.

See this chapter, this is the result of someones sleeping habits no longer existing. I don't know how I'm still awake, I have nothing to do apart to wait for a new song to drop (>-<)


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT!!

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