•april 27th•

69 11 1

I feel your warm body on me.
And I want more.

"Yoongi!!" Taehyung shouts from the other side of the house. "That's Yoongi-hyung for you, imbecile," Yoongi responds, calmly. "Yoongi!!! Come here!" Taehyung repeats. Yoongi stands up and angrily walks towards the younger boy's dorm.

"Aish! Idiot! You dare come to my house, DISRESPECT MY ROYALTY AS YOUR ELDER," Yoongi shouts, making the younger turn around.

"Ah! Yoongi! Can you help me set up the PlayStation? I can't find the HDMI cable anywhere." Yoongi groans but agrees. After a few seconds of searching, Taehyung asks "So?"

"You fucking idiot, the HDMI cable was still in the box. I don't understand why Namjoon let you buy a PlayStation." Taehyung laughs at Yoongi without any mercy for his badass reputation.

"Here you go. Now if you'll excuse me, Hoseok is waiting for me." He leaves the dorm and nonchalantly walks into the living room.

"Hoseok-ah, put on a movie and let me sleep beside you." Hoseok blushes.

"Don't forget to call the other boys too." Hoseok looks away to hide his disappointment. He didn't like Yoongi, though! (a/n: bet) He just wanted to spend time with his hyung.

"Okay. I will." Hoseok puts on a movie and is about to stand up when he feels a tired hand grab his wrist.

"Wait. No. Stay with me. You're so warm. We need to start working on our album tomorrow, I want to relax with my favorite dongsaeng." Hoseok flushes and sits back down, nervous.

After what seems like 30 minutes into the movie, Hoseok feels Yoongi grab his hand.

"H-Hyung? You weren't asleep?" Yoongi giggles in response.

"Why would I be asleep?" The two boys come closer to each other and Yoongi tightens his grip on Hoseok's hand.

"Hoseok, what do you think about the Team YoonSeok and YoonMin controversy?" Hoseok wanks his head up to Yoongi.

"I-I thought you were just joking about it..." Yoongi stares at Hoseok. "Of course I wouldn't, you pabo. It's trending #1 in Korea." Hoseok looks down.

Yoongi tilts Hoseok's head up with his hand and smirks at Hoseok's both nervous and confused look.

"If I would have to choose in between the two teams, it would be YoonSeok," Yoongi adds.

"A-Ah." Yoongi lets go of Hoseok's chin and they both look down.

Suddenly, the two boys tilt their heads up, causing their lips to slightly touch for a few seconds.

"A-Ah, shit, I'm sorry," Yoongi apologizes. "It's o-okay..." Hoseok looks back down to hide his red face. After a few minutes of silence, Yoongi breaks the ice.

"Y-Your lips are soft though. I'd love to do it again." Hoseok stares at Yoongi in the most confused face he can make.

"No homo," Yoongi adds.

"I'd love to do it again too, Yoongi... No homo."


Shit. I've been going through writer's block for a few days. I'm sorry if the chapters are getting boring and repetitive. Stay with me, I promise I have very good ideas for the next chapters. Thank you for reading!

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