Chapter 33: The Monster Within (Part 1/2)

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Violet was led into an empty classroom by Ray, so that the both of them could talk privately. "What is it that you want to talk about, Ray?"

"About us."

"Us?" Violet was sitting down on top of a desk. "What do you mean?"

"Why don't you want to talk to me?" Ray was at a far distance in the room, and was looking over at the clear window that showed the cloudy-blue sky. "What happened yesterday?"

"Yesterday?" Violet didn't want to mention it to him. The thought of it terrified her. "I don't want to talk about yesterday...I want to forget it." She said. "Just like...I want to forget you mentioning it!"

"I don't really remember what happened yesterday." Ray said, walking up to her. "I need to know what happened."

"No! I refuse to tell you." Violet got off the desk and started walking around the room.

"Why? What did I do?" Ray said.

"Let's just weren't exactly 'yourself'."

"Myself?" Ray said. "What do you mean by that--"

Violet slapped Ray out of anger, "You FORCED a kiss on me! You... IDIOT!" She then realized that she got out of control, when she realized that she had hit him. "Oh my..."

Ray was speechless. "Vi?"

"I'm sorry for--"

"I should leave." Ray said, as he got a dark expression on his face, showing that he was upset. He walked out of the room, while he still had a red marking on his cheek from the slap.

Violet was left in the lonely quiet classroom, with her feelings of guilt. She was still thinking about what had just happened.


Ray was at his own home and he was walking around, until he collapsed on the floor. Violet was at her house. She was standing out at her balcony in her nightgown. She was looking at the stars as she was wondering about Ray.

She stopped thinking about him when she heard the crack of thunder and was suddenly splattered with all of the rain that was falling down from the sky. She was getting wet so she hurried on inside and closed the glass-windowed doors to the balcony.

She went to asleep on her bed. She could only hear the calming rhythm of the raindrops sliding against the windows. At midnight, a dark figure appeared on the balcony and quietly opened the door. He entered into the dark room. He saw Violet sleeping and took her off her bed, and put a blindfold over her eyes.

Violet woke up to hear the sound of the rain (since her kidnapper opened the balcony door), and she noticed that she was being kidnapped by him. "Hey! What are you--" She was cut off as the cloaked-figure covered her mouth. "Shush!"

Violet was being kidnapped. She couldn't see anything, due to the blindfold she had on. But her blindfold slipped off since she kept on moving her head around.

She got a look at her kidnapper because his cloak fell off. It was some sort of gray monster with violet eyes and had dark wings. He also had no mouth. Violet freaked out from seeing his appearance, so she screamed in terror. The monster flew up to the roof of Violet's two-story house. "Let go of me!" Violet pushed the monster's arms, making her fall down on the top of the rooftop.

She was terrified as she was staring at this winged-demon in front of her eyes. "Hey! Get back here!" The monster said to her, as he began approaching her at a faster rate. Violet was panicking so she ran off on top of the rooftop while the rain was still hitting her. However, she made one wrong move when the rain drops made her slip off and fall. Now, she was hanging onto the railings of the roof for life.

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