Chapter 18: A Bad Dream With A Bad Message

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"Yuma!" A voice said as the yellow pendant glimmered.

"Astral?" Yuma Tsukumo inquired. "What are you doing, here?"

"I've got something important to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen." Astral said.

"Bad? What do you mean? But everything is going great!?" Yuma was confused about what the Astral-World being could ever mean. "What bad thing is going to happen?"

"It's not just a bad thing, Yuma. It's who that's going to happen!..that will end up turning bad."

"What!? Someone's going to turn bad!? Who is it?"

"I don't know yet...but it's..."

"It's who, Astral?"

"It's someone you know."

"Someone I know? Who is it? Please Astral, tell me!" Yuma shouted at Astral. He shaked Astral as he had watery tears in his eyes. "I HAVE TO KNOW!...whoever it is so I could help him or her, before it happens."

As Astral closed his eyes while looking serious, Yuma stopped shaking him and heard what he said. "However, I'm sorry that I can't figure out who it is. I just have a bad feeling that it is going to happen with someone."

"But who could it be?--"

Yuma woke up from his sleep and panted as he held onto his blanket tightly with his hands. "That was just a dream. But, it felt real," he wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He looked up at the window that was near his hammock, looking at the starry sky. "I wonder what Astral was trying to warn me about? Someone I know is going to turn bad? I wonder who it can be?" He then stared at his golden pendant, which made him think about Astral.


"Tori." Yuma Tsukumo called Tori Meadows' name.

"Yeah? Is there anything I can help you with, Yuma?" Tori stopped walking in the hallway and looked behind her.

"Yes, there actually is. I need to talk to you about something important." Yuma approached her and he looked down on the floor, making him look shy.

Tori's face heated up in embarrassment at the words, "I need to talk to you about something important."  She thought that Yuma was going to ask her out. "Uh?... Okay?"

"It's Astral."

"Astral?" Tori's eyes widened and she stopped blushing immediately. "What about him?"

"I had a dream about him. A dream that I talked with him. Astral, he told me something. He told me a important message, almost like a close warning."

"Astral!? Really? And a warning? And what was the message?..what makes you say that?"

"Astral, he told me that he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. He also said that someone was going to turn bad, but he didn't know who it would be. And that," Yuma closed his eyes and looked the other way. "It would be someone that I knew...that would turn that way."

"Oh my gosh! That's terrible, Yuma! We have to find out who it is! And we must tell the others." Tori was about to take another step to run off to tell their other friends, but Yuma pulled her wrist. "No! Tori, don't. Please."

Tori's mouth was wide open and was shaped like an 'O'. She looked back at Yuma's cherry-red eyes that sparkled with truth and concern. "I--Yuma...But why?"

"Please don't tell the others, Tori. I know they're our friends but now that everything is back to normal and there's nothing bad going on..they all have their normal lives now. They seem happy, about being at school and about spending time with each other, whether it's their friends or family. And I don't want to ruin that by telling them that something bad is going to happen to one of us. I don't want to stress out anybody about that warning that I got from Astral in my dream. I don't want to break anybodys' happiness. I just can't.. that's why you can't tell them, Tori."

Tori's facial expression had showed that she had understood perfectly on what Yuma had said and explained to her. "Alright I won't tell anyone about it, Yuma. I promise."

"Thank you." Yuma let go of Tori's wrist.

"If we're not going to tell anybody about it. Then what are we going to do?"

"We'll just keep it a secret between us, Tori. Maybe then..we might figure out who it is that we know that might be the one who might turn against us?"

"Yeah...Maybe we will."

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