Chapter 42: The End

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"W-where am I?" Violet Flower's eyes fluttered opened. She saw that she was in a room.

"I see that you're awake now. My Violet," a dark voice said.

"Ahh!" Violet exclaimed in terror. "Ray!? What happened to you?" She saw that he was in his Barian form.

"Ray? The name is Vector, to you. I am a Barian. This is my true form." He caressed Violet's hair with his hand. "And, you will become the same as I. But, you will be my one and only Barian Queen."

"N-no!" Violet started freaking out. "Never! I don't want to become you!" She broke down in sobs. "I just want my Ray back."

"Come on, now. My darling." Vector said. He picked up Violet in his arms. "It's time for us to go."

"H-hey! No! Let me go!" Violet tried running out of his arms. "I don't want to leave."

Vector then flew up with his wings. His wings flapped off in the air, some of his winged-feathers fell down behind him..they unknowingly left behind a trail.

Yuma Tsukumo picked up a feather and saw Vector flying off with Violet at the distance of the night sky. "Violet. Astral, we got something."

"Yes, I see." Astral said. "Great observation, Yuma. We must act on this quickly. We don't want to lose your friends."

"Yeah. No kidding. I'm right on it," Yuma had his duel gazer on and turned on his location coordinates so that his friends can track him down in Heartland City. "I just got a reading on Ray and Violet, you guys."

Tori and the others followed their trackers in their duel gazers to follow Yuma and so on. "Great, Yuma has a lead on Violet's whereabouts!" Rio said.

"They're heading straight for that empty park!" Yuma said, running off into the woods. "No one else is here, but us." He gasped when he saw Vector land down. "Look. Ray, is Vector now? This isn't good news."

"Help! Someone help!" Violet got out of Vector's sight.

"You're not leaving my sight ever again!" Vector grabbed Violet's wrist tightly. "You're mines!" He then put his hand on top of Violet's forehead, making her pass out.

Yuma gasped and ran towards the front center of the park so that Vector can see him. "Violet! Stop it! Leave her alone!"

Violet was laying down on the ground and was passed out.

Vector laughed like a crazy maniac. "You will never stop me, Yuma! It's too late! For Violet!--"

"Too late for her? What does he mean?" Astral asked. "What kind of time can she be running out of?"

"I don't know. But it doesn't look good." Yuma said. "Look, over there." He pointed to Violet's body changing.

Tori Meadows and the others arrived and saw what was happening. They were confused and concerned about Violet with Vector.

"What's happening to Violet?" Tori asked.

"She's changing into a Barian." Vector said. "Like me."

Violet's skin and hair quickly transformed. She was no longer human. She was a female Barian. Her skin color was a grayish-white  and her hair was pure white. Her eyes were still her original purple pupil color.

Her eyes shot open fast. She began laughing in amusement. "I'm not Violet! I'm the Barian Queen, Victoria! And Vector is my King!" She went to Vector and put her hand across his cheek, as a form of affection.

"No! Violet!" Anna Kaboom said. "She's not herself anymore! What do we do, now?"

"I guess, the only way we can do this in a duel." Yuma said. "Let's do a tag duel, Vector and Violet!" Yuma turned on his duel gazer. "Anna, you're joining me in this duel!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL: Heartland Academy [Yu-Gi-Oh Watty Awards 2019]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora