"Fuck, Hayls." He groans as he pulls my mouth from his.

Oh my god. Did I hurt him?

I open my eyes immediately to see him smirking at me, his hand gripping my waist tightly.

"What?" I ask in worry as I observe his features.

He leans forward and pecks me quickly. "You're grinding on me and tugging at my hair. You're driving me crazy, baby." He says as his hands stay fixated on my hips that I didn't know I was even moving.

"I'm sorry," I apologize and go to move off his waist.

His hands tighten around my hips and pull me back down onto him. "Stay," he demands softly.

We have never done anything past making out. I know one day soon we will progress further, but am I really willing to progress further right now? In the car? After a long day?

I look down at him and realize that I am sitting completely up and leaning away from his body.

"What are you thinking about?" He questions, his hand leaning back to support his weight as he leans up to look at me.

I can't say what I was thinking about. If he wasn't even thinking about sex or foreplay, I would extremely embarrass myself and go cry in my car for fifteen minutes after this for being an idiot.

I gently rub my thumb against his bottom lip. "How I love you," I say instead.

"I love you so much," Ross replies and reaches his hand out to the back of my head, leaning in to push our lips against each other's again.

I smile and kiss him back, moving my lips slowly with his.

Then we heard it.

The two of us pull apart immediately and I look around before spotting the vehicle. "Fuck!" I say quickly as the campus cop turns off their sirens and pulls the car right behind us.

Ross laughs loudly as I crawl off his lap and sit in the passenger seat. He leans his seat back up just as we hear the car door shut.

The officer walks over to the window with his obnoxious flashlight that he's shining through the glass to blind Ross and I. Ross rolls down the window.

"Hello. What are you two doing here?" The officer questions.

Ross squints his eyes up to the officer. "We were simply talking, sir." The light is still shining right into his eyes.

"Can I have your license and registration please? Will you take your key out of the ignition?"

I quickly glance back at Ross who looks so confused. "Yes. I'm going to reach into my glove box to retrieve my registration and into my back pocket to get my wallet. Is that okay?"

"Yes, thank you for asking."

Ross does exactly that. I shouldn't be surprised how he talked to authority that respectfully, but I was a bit. He hands both of the documents over to the officer who takes them and walks to his vehicle. "What is happening? I'm surprised he didn't just tell us to get off property," I say quickly.

"I have no idea. I'm going to be pissed if I get a ticket for something stupid," he replies and rubs his hands over his face.

Since the window is left down and the car is turned off, it is freezing. Considering I'm only wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans, I can hardly contain my body shaking.

Moments later, the officer returns. "Any reason you're on campus?" He questions and hands back the two items.

"My girlfriend and I just got back from visiting my sick mother in the hospital. That's my girlfriend's car right there so I was dropping her off at it since we left right after classes today," Ross replies nicely. It's the truth so it isn't really a sob story.

"You do realize idling a car is illegal in the state of Colorado, yes?" The officer questions.

Ross glances at me then back to the man. "I'm sorry, I didn't even put two and two together. We weren't supposed to be here long."

"I'm letting you off with a warning. Next time, it's a $150 fine for a first-time offense. Now please, don't hang around campus once all buildings are closed." He smiles nicely at us before walking back to his car. Campus cops will try to get you for anything so I'm surprised he's giving us a warning.

I simply continue to stare at Ross. He slowly turns his head to me then bursts out laughing.

I don't even have words to what just happened.

"See, the one time we really hookup in the car – this happens." He giggles like a five year old. I know he's referencing to the two times we joked with each other about hooking up in his car. One being the first night we met at the frat party when I asked to sit in his car to warm up.

I roll my eyes while smiling at his giggles and turn my head to see the cop waiting in the parking lot. "He's waiting for us to leave. So I'll see you tomorrow? Maybe after my shift if you're back from seeing your mom? Or the next day. Whatever works," I ramble.

"Of course. I'll text you, okay?" He asks, his wide smile still on his handsome face.

I nod. "Okay."

Ross leans over and cups my cheeks with his hands. "You're so cold, I'm sorry." He pouts then leans in and kisses me. "I love you. Let me know when you're home," he says before kissing me again.

I nod, my hands going to cover his. "Let me know too. I love you," I reply and kiss him again.

I grab my backpack and walk out of the car, fumbling around to find my keys as I walk over to my car. I glance back at the cop and he waves to me out of his window so I awkwardly do a quick smile and get into my car.

I start my car and don't even wait for my car to heat up in the slightest because I am not trying to get questioned although my car has a thin layer of ice on the windshield. I glance at Ross and he's already observing me so I blow him a kiss which makes him smile even more.


cute little chap.
happy 23rd birthday ross♡

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now