Chapter Eleven

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{Song for the chapter is I Miss You by Blink-182}

Jenna pov*

It's been four days. Four days since the news. I was off work for the rest of the week. I sat on the couch in the "studio" aka the garage. The boys were asleep in the house of course and it was nearly noon. I had the box that was given too me and was deciding too open it or not.

With my phone by my side and headphones in I slowly open the box. revealing pictures of Dylan an I, but not only that but letters tied together in a stack. Well stacks, there was six stacks on letters.

Picking up a stack I slowly pulled a letter from the top and held it in my shaking hand. I took deep breaths trying to not get sick. My nerves filled my stomach as I unfolded the paper.

Date: 11/15/10

It's my first week at my station and I'm pretty scared to be honest. I'm not even shitting you, we've had so many drills at random times. We had one today and it was at two this morning, I thought I'd be able to get at least four hours of sleep. I was wrong. I got two. Better than nothing though.

I miss you lot Jen, more then anything. I feel like a totally tool being shipped a week before your birthday. I hope you'll forgive me. If not I understand. I doubt I'm ever going to send this. I really don't think the mail on camp is the best. Plus me being the dumb ass I am I can't even remember your address. So yup.

Hope you're doing good Jen.



I chuckled at the letter. He could never remember my address cause he never had too. He knew how too get too my house like the back of his hand.

I continued the reading of the letters and was then on the second stack. Half way through the stack the door that lead into the house opened. Wiping some fallen tears quickly I look up and take a headphone out. Ashton stands in the doorway.

"Found her guys!" he called down in the other direction where he came from. "You okay Jenna?" he asked, he stared at me confused. Probably from all the letters on the couch.

I nodded. Feeling the awkwardness in the air, foot steps rustled down to the doorway.

"Oi! There's the beauty!" Calum said. He came closer to the couch and looking at the paper that laid in the couch but in order still. "What's all this?"

I started to collect things and put stuff back in the box. "Just some stuff that was given too me." I said. "The guy gave it to me saying Dylan wanted me too have it."

He nods and sits down and puts an arm around me after all the letters were picked up and put in the box. He kissed my temple and smiled. "We're here for ya princess."

I smile back. "I know."

"Now!" Michael interrupted. "We need to go to the store, do you want to come or do you trust me with your tr-"

"I'm coming and driving!" I stated. No drives my baby. I paid for that truck and I don't trust Mike with it after he crashed it. That story though is for any other day.

"Okay, okay, chill." he raised his hands in defense.

I went too my room and put my contacts in and a pair of sweats on. I stood in the mirror now in my sweats and sports bra instead of my batman pjs and blue vest (tank top).

I searched in my dresser and couldn't find this one shirt I loved. My door opened up revealing Luke.

"Oh god! Sorry Jen!" he said coving his eyes.

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