Chapter Twelve

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{song of the chapter: Therapy by ATL}

Jenna pov*

I took the twisty roads that led to the field that my first real friend wanted to be placed at if something ever happen to her. It was five miles from my house, an I've been walking for forty-five minutes. I left my phone at home but I have my watch that Dylan gave me. God I miss him. I really need him, and of course he's gone. Like everyone. The only person I have left is Michael. You're probably thinking, what about the boys? I doubt any of them, Luke and Calum, really give a shit about me. An well we all know Ashton doesn't give a fuck. If he did, we would be together or at least still friends.

I forgot. I forgot to take my pill. It hit me in an instant that I forgot to take my depression pill, or what I call it my "Happy pill".

Visions or flashbacks I should say, filled my head of the day I lost her. Before Mackenzie and Dylan and the boys. I had one friend. Her name was Tessa. Tessa lived by a field, exactly half mile away from her house. That's were she was buried. It was her get away. She took me there once actually a couple times. But after what happen not only did she pass on, her parents never talked to my family again. They moved and they blamed me.

Tessa. I could barely remember her face. We were friends since pre-k.

I lost her at age eleven. Riding a dirt bike. She didn't get to experience High school with me, or with Dylan.

I was teaching her. I was teaching how to ride the damn thing. She went off the track and this car. This car just came out of nowhere. Tessa tried to swerve and miss the car but it seemed like the car was there too hit her.

I remember screaming. Telling her to watch out. I remember watching her bleed. I remember her telling me that she loved me. I remember saying I love you also to her but she told me she loved me more than a friend. I remember her whispering about the meadow. An how she wants to be put to rest there. And after a minute, she was gone.

I could not get her scream out of my head. It still haunts me.

It was in my head for weeks, nights on end. I had nightmares, reliving the day for months. An when freshman year started and I met Dylan I knew she sent him. He was my secret angel. And he, him self didn't even know.

But god, why do the people I love have to leave. Dad, Tessa, Dylan. Why them? I want to know why they all had to leave.

The sky became grey and it started to pour. Not instantly but it sprinkled. Three minutes later it started to pour.

I stopped in my tracks and heard a car coming from behind. I fell to my knees.

I hid my face in my hands. The rain fell over my body, giving me a somewhat numb feeling. I enjoyed that feeling.

I cocked my head back and screamed. "Why!" I held that scream for a few seconds before screaming again. "Why God! Why the fuck do you hate me!?"

I grabbed a rock and chucked it hard, not knowing where it landed or what direction it went in. "Why!?" I cried. "Fuck you! Fuck you too God! Damn it!" I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I wiped it quickly.

The car I heard before came closer. I stayed on the ground my hands again covered my face.

"Jenna?" I heard the creaks of breaks. I stayed still. Foot steps came my way. At a fast pace too.

My hands were pulled off my face. I opened my eyes to see a red eyed Ashton. I look at him with no emotion. After a second more arms came around me and got to my level.

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