Christmas Special! (Part One)

Start from the beginning

"Well I don't know, maybe because you suddenly appeared in my bed when I woke up and apparently we're dating," I thought to myself. "It's nothing..." I said. Whoever I was at this moment, I knew this wasn't me. There's no way I have a boyfriend, it was something I couldn't believe. "Are you sure?" he rested his head on the crook of my neck. I nodded slowly; I was getting all these new feelings that I never had before. But after all of that, he pretended nothing happened and we were back to making the cookies. When we were waiting for the cookies to bake, we started making the icing. I slowly started to pour the icing into the bag before tying the end and cutting off a tiny piece of the tip. And when the cookies were done, we started decorating them. As I was attempting to decorate my Christmas cookie, I had no idea how to. Seokjin noticed and quickly went to help me. By that I mean he stood behind me, wrapped his arms around me and used his hands to grip onto my hands. He slowly started helping me, "You're not really good at icing are you?" I heard him laugh. My only response was lowering my head and blushing intensely. "Thanks... sweetie," I mumbled. For some odd reason, I could feel the happiness emitting from Seokjin's body. "No problem, I'm only helping," he said happily.

When I finally got the hang of icing, Seokjin went to frost the other cookies. While doing so, I saw him push some icing onto his finger. I turned to look at him, confused on what he was doing. He suddenly swiped the icing onto my nose. "What the-" I glared at him. He broke down laughing, "Why do you look so mad?" he asked while laughing. His laugh reminded me of something... but I can't quite put my finger on it. I quickly put some icing onto my finger and attempted to put it on his nose. But he was quick to run. In disbelief, I chased after him. I could hear his laughter as he ran all around my apartment. "Come back!" I shouted, I didn't even bother removing the icing on my nose. All I needed was revenge. Eventually Seokjin tripped over his foot and fell. I smiled; the world was on my side. As I was closing in on him, he grabbed my foot and made me fall on top of him. I made sure to keep that icing on my finger; I'm sort of surprised it stayed on my finger after all that running. I quickly pushed myself up with one hand and attempted to put the icing on his face, at least somewhere on his face. But he kept moving it. "Hold still!" I shouted, of course he didn't listen. After a while, he grabbed my hand and moved it towards his mouth. He placed my finger into his mouth and licked off the icing. I was mad I didn't get my revenge, but blushed at how subtle he did it. I got up and walk off into the kitchen.

~Night time~

We finished all the cookies and ate some of them. Now we were heading to bed. Today was fun, and I enjoyed today. I never knew I'll admit something like that on December. But I truly did have fun. If I'm going to stay with Seokjin this entire week until Christmas, then I'm down for it. "Goodnight, Y/N," Seokjin pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie..." I smiled as I slowly fell asleep. Is this how a female feels during a relationship? So loved?

"Darling. Ha-Eun and Ha-Joon."

~The next day~

Weird... I heard a different nickname and two other names... what does that mean?

I was quick to receive my answer. "Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!!" two voices shouted, one a boy and the other, a girl. Someone was also shaking me. "Kids, leave us to sleep some more..." this was a different voice, it wasn't Seokjin's voice. I opened my eyes quite immediately at the realization. It was still my room but another person was here. "Mommy, you're finally awake!" I turned my head to see... twins?! They looked similar to each other. "Wait... that's probably why I heard two names after a nickname. She must be Ha-Eun, and he must be Ha-Joon," I thought in realization. "They're pretty cute if I had to admit." "But that means that I..." I turned my head to the guy who still had his eyes shut and his arm wrapped around me, "Had kids with him..." Scary. "Santa, you could have put me into realistic terms!" I thought. "Mommy, mommy, it snowed last night," Ha-Eun shook my furiously while attempting to snatch my attention to the window. "Can we go outside, pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?" Ha-Joon begged. The male sat up, his eyes remained close. "Kids, I'm not going to risk getting a sickness nor am I going to let you guys freeze to death," he said. "But daddy, we can dress warmly," the twins seemed determined. The male's only response was opening his eyes before looking over to me. "I think that we should darling... it'll be fun for them," I smiled. He stared at me for a long time, either in disbelief or in contemplation. "Fine, but only because your mother allowed it," he replied. "Go put on your warm coats," I waved them off. They cheered before rushing off... somewhere.

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