Girls Like Girls

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So I just got told apparently my book TGTBATD got someone a girlfriend because that's how they met and I've realized I've never written lesbian stuff before (for some reason) so here have some gender switched phan

(I've decided to gender switch all my main characters (including Chosen))

5 years old

Danielle Howell walked in class with her curled hair straightened and a Pokémon lunch box. Her mother was confused on why she wanted a boy lunch box but bought it none the less.

"Hewo. I Danielle." She smiled and held out her hand. The blond girl scoffed in disgust.

"Get your long dirty finger away from me." She scoffed.

"Ladybug you know you can't fuckin talk." A dark skinned girl said and walked up behind them.

"Get your disgusting black ass away from me Cynthia." Hellen said bitterly.

"Bitch you're just mad I'm not named after a fucking bug and my boobs are bigger than yours." Cynthia said.

"Aren't we fiwe?" Danielle said confused.

"Come with me." Cynthia said and dragged her to a table with lots of people.

"Hi." Danielle said shyly.

"Gays this is Danielle. Danielle this is Paige, Chloe and Peyton." Cynthia said.

Real quick Incase you're confused

Cynthia= Chosen
Paige= Phil
Chloe= Chris
Peyton= Pj

"Wow you're pretty!" Paige gasped.

"Oh uhh tanks?" Danielle said awkwardly.

"No problem." Paige smiled and went back to coloring a treasure chest. Danielle decided to sit down next to her and watch her colorful drawing.

"Oo really neat." Danielle said.

"Well yeah. What's the point of being messy?" Paige asked.

"It's funner." Danielle said.

"I guess." Paige shrugged and went back to coloring. Danielle picked up a blue crayon and began scribbling on Paige's drawing.

"Hey!" Paige giggles.

"Hi." Danielle smiled and and attempted to draw Paige's blue eyes. Paige watched with child innocence and leaned her head on Danielle's shoulder.

"They're so much lesbian." Cynthia said.

"No. I don't know if Danielle is but Paige is American." Chloe said.

"Liking girls and countries are two different things dummy." Peyton said.

"Oh sorry.." Chloe said embarrassingly.

"It's okay! I still love you!" Peyton cheered and pecked Chloe's cheek.

"I'm surrounded by fucking lesbians." Cynthia sighed and planned her revenge on LadyBug.


10 years old

"This color is pretty." Danielle said and picked up nail polish.

"That's black." Paige said.

"Your point?" Danielle asked and the two girls giggled.

"I think I overheard my mom saying she might get me makeup for Christmas!" Paige cheered.

"Makeup? Why would you want that?" Danielle asked.

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