CHAPTER 23: Oh No.....

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While trying to get up after being thrown all around the room, I stop and look at Penelope's aunt who is staring at her.

I hold my shoulder after I pop it back into place and start to limp my way towards her aunt while her back is turned to me but stop when I notice Penelope's eyes....they've changed. They normally are a beautiful shade of green and blue but now, they look dark red, almost black.

Then I hear her aunt mutter something as she looks intently into Penelope's eyes as does Penelope into her aunt's.

"You're too late." I hear her aunt tell me while Penelope stands still, continuing to look straight ahead as her aunt turns around and looks at me with a grin.

"What did you do to her?" I ask.

"I helped her see what she REALLY is. Don't worry, she won't remember any of this. Neither will you or your pathetic hybrid of a son after she has fully been replaced." She grins.

"Replaced?" I asked. "You mean killed. That's how it all works, isn't it?"

"I see she told you. Well, yes. You can not stop this from happening. It is already set in motion and believe me, this will all be for the best." She tells me.

"But you're bringing back something ancient and dark." I tell her while wincing from the pain.

"That's one way you can put it. Though if it wasn't for our kind back when she was alive and before your people took over, we would rule all of you. All councils would be under our power." She states.

"Is that what this is about? Really, how do you plan to get away with this when she is royalty and the newest head council." I mention.

"Oh she will still be that. Well, actually her great great grandmother will be. You see, that's why this is all perfect. With both her parents gone, it'll be much easier."

"Oh my god, you killed her parents." I say.

"Very good Sherlock." She remarks sarcastically.

"I know you'll never get away with this." I warn her.

"Oh I will. It's gonna be one hell of a transformation." She begins to laugh in an evil way before taking a few steps back and snaps her fingers and disappears.

That's the last thing I'm worried about though. Right now, I look over at Penelope and notice she's on the floor, passed out.

I try and wake her but can't. So I quickly pick her up and mind-link the pack as well as LeRoy to let him know that we needed to have a meeting now at the house, along with  the pack doctor and to call Ellie, Penelope's best friend to come and help me understand what's going on.

As soon as I got home, I saw everyone was already there, except for Ellie who LeRoy said was on her way before I laid her down in our bed upstairs and had the doctor look at her.

Fortunately, Cole was over at his friends house for the night. So I knew he'd be safe and plus, he doesn't hear any of this right now.

Before talking to everyone, we waited nervously downstairs for what seemed like several hours but really was almost an hour before we saw the doctor come walking downstairs and into the living room where we were at.

"How is she?" I ask him.

"It isn't looking too good." He says with pain in his voice and tears forming in his eyes.

"Can we save her?" I choke.

"I'm not sure. I unfortunately don't have any expertise in this department in particular."

"I do." We hear a female's voice say from behind me.

We turn and I see it's Ellie.

"Ellie, thank you for coming." I tell her in relief as I walk up and try to hug her but she stops me as she holds up her hand in front of me.

"Okay, first of all, I am here for my best friend and her son. I still have issues with YOU. Second, whatever suggestions I have that'll help her, you and your pack do it without questioning. Understood?" She demands.

"Okay." I nod in agreement.

Other than of course Penelope, I don't let anyone talk to me that way.

"Good. Because I do know how to help her. Although first, you all need to know who and what is trying to take over and be reborn." She begins.

We all sit as she sets down her backpack and brings her messenger bag into the living room with her onto the couch before then taking out a big thick book.

"Alright. So what's going on." I ask her while she begins telling me who is using my mate to return.

Seems like we might have a problem.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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