CHAPTER 19: What's That?!?!

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"I'm sorry, what?" I asked the Elder of the Witches Council confused.

"Your son must do the challenges two months from now for hybrids." She says.

"No. He is too young and isn't ready. You can't ask me to be okay with that." I tell them.

"We weren't asking. Now you will both do this or the consequences for you all will be severe." She warns me.

"He's too young and he just recently has learned how to shift and doesn't yet know his abilities yet." I accidentally admit.

"He will. If he has yours and Alpha Roman's abilities then he will have no problem with the proper training." She smirks.

"He's my son and if I say he isn't ready then he isn't ready." I try and tell her assertively without coming off disrespectful.

"Do you wish to go against my orders?" She asks.

Suddenly I get this sharp pain in my chest and slowly begin feeling short of breath.

"What's wrong?" I hear Roman ask me.

"I can't breathe and I have this sharp pain in my chest." I tell him while feeling scared.

"Alright. Let's go." He says as he puts his arm around me. "We'll have to finish this some other time." I hear him tell her.

"Fine." She rolls her eyes. "Meeting is over for now." She says before we leave.

"Baby, it's okay, let's get you home." Roman tells me as we walk outside and get in the car.

While on our way home, I somehow quickly begin feeling better and the pain seems to be disappearing quickly.

"Oh my god." I say under my breath.

"What is it?" He asks me worried.

"Nothing. I don't know what happened back there." I tell him.

"Yeah, that was weird. Though you had me really worried. Do you think it could be the stress you've been under lately?" He asks.

"Maybe. It's funny though, I haven't felt like this before but I guess it could have been something I ate." I tell him.

"Maybe you should lay down when we get home." He suggests.

"Yeah." I reply although I can't help but begin thinking that it was something else.

Once we got home, I went upstairs and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

For the next few days, I felt myself slowly not feeling like me. I even had Cole and Roman as well as LeRoy tell me that I was acting different lately. Though when they told me some of the things, I didn't believe them. It didn't sound like me.

Today after waking up and heading downstairs to see where everyone was at, I found Roman and Cole outside training. It seemed like Cole was getting stronger and better than I had thought ever since Roman has been training him.

"He'll be ready." I hear LeRoy as he comes walking up beside me while looking outside and them too.

"Yeah I just, I'm a mother, so I worry about him." I say.

"We all do but, he's got amazingly powerful parents." He winks at me.

I smile back at him and then see Cole stop and look at me before running up to me and giving me a huge hug.

"Hey sweetie." I say as I give him a kiss on the top of his head.

"Hey mom. You feeling better?" He asks.

"Yeah. Much better." I smile.

"Good. Then do you think you can teach me a few spells? You know, ones that I'll need for the big challenge?" He asks eagerly.

"Of course. For now though let's take a break from training." I suggest.

"That's a good idea." I hear Roman say as he walks inside and gives me a kiss on the lips.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask.

"Starving." Cole says.

"Okay. I'll go and make us some lunch. Why don't you guys go get cleaned up and I'll make us something to eat." They both smile and then head upstairs.

While in the kitchen making lunch for us, I started to feel this pain in my chest again. Then suddenly, I begin seeing flashbacks of an event that looked to have happened centuries ago.

"Penelope." I hear a female's voice in the distance call out for me.

I quickly look around and see that no one's there. Then after waiting a minute and not hearing anything else, I go back to finishing making lunch when I hear it again. Except this time, it's a female with a sinister laugh while the sharp pain in my chest returns, this time making me black out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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