CHAPTER 9: What Have I Just Agreed To?

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Seriously? Can't he think up of another excuse than that over used one?! I swear, Cole and I can't stay here much longer. We have to leave. I then hear my door open up and I thought I locked it but clearly hadn't as I notice Roman stomping in before locking the door behind him after closing it abruptly. 

"Now you listen to me, you want to know what happened that day? Then here it is. I never kissed that slut! You caught us right as she literally jumped me and started kissing me. I pushed her off right away so hard in fact that she hit the wall and was left with bruises and scratches, not to mention leaving a crack in my wall from the impact." He tells me. 

"Oh my god, you won't let this go will you?" I ask him frustrated. 

"Yes because you left me while pregnant with our child because you thought I cheated on you and didn't stay a second longer to see what happened, then hell yes, I won't let it go. You think you were the only one who hurt that day after you left?" He asks. 

"Don't tell me you did." I say sarcastically. 

"Just stop it Penelope!" He growls at me. 

"Oh don't you growl at me asshole. This is all your fault! If she hadn't been in your room in the first place, maybe she never would have 'kissed' you." I point out. 

"I didn't know she was in there until I walked in and then I tried getting her out and then that had happened." 

"Oh really? Then how come days leading up to that day, you avoided me at school and avoided my calls and texts and the witches ball that you promised to be my date to?" I asked while fighting back tears. 

"I didn't mean to avoid you. I was arguing with my father because I told him that I found my mate." He says. "I told him that you were a witch also and he freaked out and threatened to disown me. So I was confused and frustrated and afraid of losing my temper with you and hurting you. Then that day, I finally told him that there was no way I was going to not be with you. In fact, I was willing to give up my title that I have now after he died, to be with you. Then when I found out you left, a part of me died that day." He says. 

I look into his eyes with a struggle because he looks like he's serious and then I quickly come back to earth. 

"No. You don't mean any of this. But I will tell you this. As far as you and me go, it'll never happen. But you're right about Cole and so from here on out, if you want a relationship with him, then I will let you get to know him. But under one condition, we tell him together that you're his father when it's the right time." I tell him with my arms folded across my chest.

He looks at me for a few moments before finally answering. 

"Okay. But as far as you and me, it isn't over. It never was over and I don't care if it takes forever, I will not give up on us. You are mine and always have been. I will get you to love me again and show you that I'm not the man you think I am or was." He says reassuringly. 

I look away so that he doesn't see any of the tears I feel are about to fall down my face. I then, look at the door and unlock it and open it up for him with my mind. 

"Please leave." I tell him. 

He leaves and I quickly shut the door then fall onto my back on the bed and look up at the ceiling while wiping away a few tears and trying to pull myself together. What the hell did I just agree to?

I then hear a light knock and I know already in who it is. 

"Mom?" I hear Cole say from the other side of the door. 

"Yes sweetie, you can come in." I tell him while sitting up. 

He opens the door and walks inside. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I force a smile on my face. 

"I heard you yelling at Roman." He says. 

"I know. We just got into a little argument is all but, everything's fine." I assure him. 

He walks over to me and sits down on my lap as I put my arm around him. 

"How was school today?" I asked.

"It was good. My friend is having a birthday party this weekend and asked if I could go. Can I?" He asks. 

"Sure. Where's it going to be at?" I asked. 

"At the Stone Hall." He hesitates. 

"Cole I don't...." I began but he stopped me. 

"Mom please?!" He started to beg me. 

"Cole it's very dangerous and the grounds are cursed and it's forbidden." I remind him. 

"But you can put a protection spell on me mom. Besides, his parents are going to be there and said that you can come too." He tells me. 

I think about it for a moment more and then finally agree that it's okay. 

"Okay. But I will be going though." I tell him. 

"Thank you mom." He says excited as he hugs me. 

"You're welcome." I smile at him. 

"Hey, can Roman come too?" He asks. 

"Um..." I began trailing off while thinking about it. Then I looked at Cole's face and he was starting to do that cute pout face that has always been hard for me to say no to. "Fine. You can invite him too." 

He then hugs me again while thanking me and runs out of the room screaming Roman's name. What have I just agreed to again?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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