CHAPTER 21: A Dream or Premonition?

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It was foggy and just a little cold outside as I began walking through the woods while Cole and Roman slept. Not sure why I felt I needed to go, but I did.

Then in the middle of the woods, I seemed to have come across an old crooked abandoned looking type shack with a little smoke coming from the chimney. Then I heard shouting from several men and a familiar female's voice along with what sounded like things breaking and being thrown all over the place. So I quickly ran in to see if I could help.

Though as soon as I ran inside, I came to an abrupt stop when I noticed eight men with lit torches and holding pitchforks and many other types of weapons while pointing them all at a woman who looked to be around my age and happened to be also a witch. At least that's what they were shouting at her.

"Come quietly you witch!" One of the men shouted.

"Keep away!" She screamed at them.

"You're a witch! An evil one at that! You must burn for your sins and go back to hell!" Another one yells out.

More fighting continues until finally they grab her and tie her arms behind her back while then forcing her outside as dirt is all over her body along with some dried up blood and some fresh blood coming from her mouth and nose as they pull her towards a tall wooden post that's surrounded by dry brushes and sticks with what looks to be the size of a village standing around spitting on her and cursing at her in unison.

"Any last words?" The man who shouted at her in the shack moments ago asks.

She then starts cackling a little before glaring at everyone.

"Let all of you who watch me burn
  May you all perish upon my return
  For now I place a curse until the day
  I return and make everyone of you pay
  May all your children and families
  All be cursed from now til eternity
  For I do know very well
  I shall one day return from hell
  Though until then let you all fear
  The shadows in the darkness you see
  and the screams you hear"

She tells them all. They then begin lighting up the dry brushes and quickly the flames spread quicker and quicker all while this woman is cackling and laughing in a sinister way before she is consumed in flames herself and the bloodcurdling screams are heard as she burns.

"Penelope." I heard the voice again call for me.

Then as I look at everyone, I notice they're all gone except for one woman who sounded like she was crying. Though as I got closer and closer, I soon realized she was laughing in the same sinister way as the witch that was just burned. She slowly turns her head and then once she fully turns to me I immediately want to start running away but can't.

Her grotesque features and burned skin that was touched by the hot flames had charcoaled the beauty of her light skin she had before.

She grabs me by the throat as I start to fly back and hit a tree trunk while she's holding onto my throat still.

"W-who are you? What do you want from me?" I ask scared.

"You are my great great granddaughter. You are the only one left that can bring me back. I will use you as a vessel and you will have no control at all. When the time comes, I shall be reborn and everyone that you love and know will perish. For they are all descendants who burned me alive."

"No. Times are different. Besides, there aren't many humans left near us." I try to tell her while trying to also break away from her grasp but can't.

"It isn't humans that I wish to destroy. It wasn't humans that condemned me to hell. It was your family. The ones I thought I could trust. I will make you the most powerful witch in the world. I'll have everyone worship you. Obey your every command. I will give you power and anything you want. Though there is something that will get in the way, your filthy lover who's a werewolf and your son, a hybrid. He must lose the challenge at the arena." She says.

"No. I will not let you hurt them." I tell her while finally pushing her off of me with so much invisible force that she flies back several feet and lands on her two feet on the ground.

"You will have a change of thought." She grins in a sinister way. Then I notice her beginning to say something really fast. Is she chanting?

I start to feel a gust of wind blow from behind me and as I turn, I see a glimpse of Cole in the arena, dead while alongside Roman and LeRoy's lifeless bodies.

I glare back at her.

"Don't you fucking touch them!" I warn her and start running towards her but she sends an invisible force to send me flying back farther than before this time and causes me to wake up.

I sit up in bed, sweating while trying to rationalize what the hell that dream was. If it even was a dream. Or was it....a premonition?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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