CHAPTER 11: There's Nothing To Tell

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Today was the day of Cole's friends' birthday party and to be honest, I was a little nervous. Mostly because I am trying to figure out in how I'm going to explain Roman and who he is. My best friend, Ellie has told me who also is bringing her daughter to the party also. 

I start making my way to Cole's bedroom to make sure he's almost ready and I don't see him in his room. 

 "Cole?" I start to call out for him.

I begin making my way downstairs and stop as soon as I see Ramon and Cole standing by the door waiting for me. 

"You ready?" Ramon smiles. 

"Yeah." I reply with a smile. 

We start to head over towards the birthday party. When we arrived, we headed inside and were first greeted with his best friend's mother and handed her his present before Cole walked over towards his best friend, Isaiah. 

"Thanks for coming." Isaiah's mother smiles at me. 

"Of course." I reply. 

"Roman?" She says while looking at him. 

"Hey Zeila." He says. 

"Oh my god, why are you here? It's been so long." She smiles as they start hugging each other. 

"Yeah, I've been busy." He says while looking at me. 

I feel confused right now. How do they know each other?

"Her husband and I are good friends but haven't seen each other in a while." Roman explains. "How is he by the way?" He asks her. 

"He's good. He's still away trying to do what he does best." She teases. 

"That's good. When he comes back tell him to hit me up." He says. "Maybe we can even have a barbecue or something." He suggests.

"That would be great." She says excited. "Well, I better get back to playing the host but have fun you guys and thanks again for coming." 

As soon as she walks off, I start looking for Ellie and so far I don't see her. Then I suddenly feel Roman start to move a little closer to me. 

"You have nothing to be jealous of my love, I'm all yours." He says quietly in my ear. 

I roll my eyes while looking at him. 

"I don't care in who you flirt with. We aren't together." I tell him as I start walking off towards a circle of the other parents of the kids here and we started all talking. 

After a few moments of being at the party and having a really good time actually, one of the mom's who we don't really care for and is nosy as hell, not to mention a slut. I don't even know why Zeila invited her. 

"So, Penelope, who's your friend?" She smirks while looking off to the side where Roman's standing talking to the dad's. 

Everyone else begins following her stare as one says, "Yeah, I was just about to ask." Then everyone's eyes came back onto me. 

"Oh, he's just....he's just an old friend." I reply as I finish the rest of my drink. 

"A friend huh?" The slut mom asks. 

"Mhm." I reply while feeling awkward. 

"Is he dating anyone?" She asks with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Yeah." I reply although I immediately regret telling her that because the last thing I would ever want is for her to hook up with him. 

"Well good, I was thinking of asking him to go out with me tonight." She grins while looking at me out the corner of her eye. 

"Pff. I doubt it." I say under my breath but of course, her and everyone next to me heard me. 

"What, you think he wouldn't be interested?" She asks irritated. 

"No, I don't think he would be." I tell her. 

"Oh shit, here we go." One of the girls says. 

"And why's that?" She asks with a hand on her hip and sets down her drink onto the table beside us. 

"Because he's not into girls that have had more pricks than a second hand dartboard." I tell her. 

All the girls gasp. 

"You know, I always knew you were jealous of me. After all, I have two amazing kids and men love me. Not to mention that my parents are still alive and didn't die because of MY mistakes." She says and right then and there, I didn't care. I know that I wasn't allowed to use magic for being mean to someone while here but fuck it, she crossed the line. 

"Fuck you!" I tell her right as I flick my wrist and cause her to fly back into the wall hard enough to cause it to crack. 

"Hey hey hey! That's enough! No magic you guys!" I hear Zaila come up to us yelling at me and the slut. 

"Sorry." I apologize. 

"It wasn't Penelope's fault. She was just putting her in her place. Since YOU insisted on inviting her for some dumb ass reason." Someone said. 

"My god." She says while holding the bridge of her nose as she tries to calm down. 

"No, fuck her! Why don't you tell everyone who Roman REALLY is to you! He's Cole's father for fuck sake!" She snaps. 

I glare at her and am getting ready to do something else to her when I feel someone grab my hands and holds them down. 

"She's not worth it." I hear that it's Ellie. 

I then look around and everyone is staring at me and when my eyes land on Cole, all I can do is start to tear up and before breaking down and crying, I run outside. 

This obviously was not the way I wanted Cole to find out. Then now with the whole thing about Roman, I'm not ready to tell people. Besides, there's nothing to tell....right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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