CHAPTER 22: Penelope's Aunt

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It's been a few days since Penelope has had the dream and though she hasn't told me what it was, I know it affected her mentally and emotionally as I notice that everyday she has gradually become different.

Today, I had LeRoy take Cole into the training fields and help him get an idea of what the council will have him do in the arena.

So much has been going on that I'm worried about Penelope. She has become distant with me and Cole and more short tempered with us both, mostly with Cole. Which I know isn't her.

Today I decided that it would be good for her and I to have some alone time together. I have even surprised her in making some breakfast. I start walking up to the bedroom and I hear what sounds like her choking.

So I quickly run into the room, dropping the plate and sprint towards the bed but stop as soon as I notice her back starting to arch up and then back down and then up again having her body lift in the air somehow.

"Penelope?!" I call out to her and she turns her head and her eyes are black then she drops onto the bed and I hear her begin to scream and cry.

I quickly embrace her in my arms and try and hold her. What the hell is going on.

"I'm scared." She cries into my chest while gripping onto me.

"About what?" I ask and then pull back a little to look at her. "What is going on?"

"I don't know exactly but I think something is trying to kill me so it can take over." She cries.

"What are you talking about?" I ask worried even more.

"I can't explain it. My dreams are getting worse and I'm afraid. I'm afraid that whatever it is that's trying to come after me, I think they might be doing it in my dreams. Like that one the other night when I woke up in sweat." She began.


She started explaining what happened in the dream and the last several dreams she has had before finishing.

"I believe this witch is an ancient one. One of the rare evil ones who wants revenge of those who killed her." She explains.

"What do you mean? Like the villagers? Is she that old?" I ask.

"No. It wasn't humans that killed her, it was my kind. Other witches, wizards and sorcerer's."

We sit in silence for a moment before I say anything.

"So are you saying you're possessed or?"

"I don't know but I'm scared." She says.

"Don't worry. I'll call for an immediate meeting tomorrow with the council and we'll figure this all out." I assure her as I pull her closer to me.


The Next Day

"Council....." I addressed everyone. "I have asked for this meeting because I my mate has been experiencing things. We believe that an ancient witch has somehow been able to get to her and is trying to kill her." I began.

Everyone looks at us both surprised and confused. Except for the woman who Penelope had an issue last time. Then I notice the head elder look at Penelope while squinting.

"What is that?" He asks while pointing at Penelope. Then everyone begins looking at her and then everyone gasps.

"What?" Penelope asks while gripping onto her necklace.

"Where did you get that necklace from?" The elder asks.

"My aunt. She sent it to me not too long ago through the mail and said it belonged to my great grandmother." She begins to explain.

"Everyone out, now." He states. "You two, follow me into my chambers." He says while standing up and we both begin following him and before leaving the room, I look back at that one woman and she's looking at us as though she's a little nervous.

I ignore it as we continue to follow the Elder and after getting inside, he has us take a seat in the chairs across from his desk while he takes a seat.

"Penelope, I need for you to think really hard and try to remember when you got that. Has there been any changes in you? Nightmares of some kind that you've never had before you were given that necklace?" He begins.

"No. I mean, before, I was fine but, when I started to wear this, everything changed." She started.

He nods before talking.

"From the moment you put that on, the witch was already attached to you and has mainly been feeding off of you so she can return. The fact that you are related to this ancient witch only makes things worse and will make things harder to detach." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask concerned. "Are you saying that there's nothing you can do?"

"No. But it won't be easy. The fact that you are relates by blood to her means that there was an attachment since you were born. However, did your aunt tell you why she gave it to you?"

"No." She tells him.

"Wait a minute..." He begins while grabbing his chest as he falls off his chair and onto the floor gasping for air as he's cries in pain.
"Ahhh!! It burns!" He cries out.

Both Penelope and I look at each other as we kneel beside him and try to help him but he quickly closes his eyes after taking his last breath and before he could tell us anything.

"You two are pathetic." We hear a familiar female voice say from the dark corner behind his desk.

While the woman walks out into the light as she looks down at the man's body before she looks back at us and grins. Then changes into a different person.

"How did you get in here, Aunt..." Penelope asks.

"It's easy." She smirks. "Besides, I've done everyone a favor. Not to mention he was going to destroy a piece of our family history." She begins.

"You knew what power this necklace held, didn't you?" Penelope asks.

"Yes." She grins.

I didn't give her another second to say anything else before I started to charge towards her but was immediately stopped and lifted high in the air by an invisible force she created and held me up for a moment before throwing me hard against the tall solid beam that was holding the room up, cracking it severely.

Then I heard Penelope scream out loud before going after the woman.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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