Chapter Fifteen

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Authors Note:

Omg guys I am so sorry I haven't updated in like a week!! I promise to update quicker next time I was extremely busy and I feel so guilty I am berry berry sowy. *Puppy dog eyes*

This chapter is ever so short but I had to update something for you guys.




"Yes your getting there" Blake said to me smiling slightly.

He was making me kick a freaking punching bag which was in the air, I had to learn to kick high. It wasn't that hard since I took ballet classes my whole life but stopped two years ago.

"Yes! Repeat that 3 times then you've got it" He ordered.

I done it 3 times then the other leg three times and looked at Blake to see him smirking.

"I'm an awesome teacher" He brags.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the weapons room, I grabbed a gun and loaded it with bullets that were filled with black dust, the black dust makes the demons get swallowed by the ground. Just like the time I was attacked by a demon and Blake sprinkled the dust on its body, then its body disappeared into the ground.

I shot the demon mannequin in the middle of its brows then in the chest then on its leg.

"Great, your making amazing progress" Blake complimented nodding to himself. He was right, I was pretty good at shooting the targets on the mannequin, and I could fight combat really well.

"Lets go on to the swords, grab that one" He pointed at a long sword after we went into the weapons room, it was next to the sword that only that 'one person' could use to defeat all the demons. I had a sudden interest to go that sword ignoring Blake's pestering  voice about how I was meant to get the other sword.

I picked up the sword and felt an intense surge of power rush through me. I stared at the sword entranced, it was absolutely beautiful. It had this intricate pattern going up the side of the blade, I felt very powerful it was freaking me out a little.

I turned to Blake to his eyes wide in shock and he looked surprised very surprised.

"Its you, your going to lead us to victory your also glowing and I can feel the immense amount of power radiating off you" He explained to me disbelief still lacing his tone.

"B-but you said you have to have angel heritage in your b-blood" I stuttered still not believing that it could be me.

"Well then I guess your going to have to do some digging around your families history" He told me.

"Okay I g-guess I could do that" I replied with a shaky smile. But what if I wasn't ready, what if I didn't want to find out things I never knew, what if I wanted things to go back to normal. But I was already too deep in this mess.

And its too late to turn back now.

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