Chapter Eight

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I woke up the next morning to the beautiful sound of my loud blaring alarm. Note the sarcasm.

I looked around to see that there was no trace of Blake even being here, but I had his hoodie on, that was proof it wasnt a dream.

I was absoloutely tired and walked grudgingly to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see dark circles under my eyes but they still had a sparkle in them, probably because I was so happy about last night.

When I finished getting ready I sulkily went downstairs combing my hair on the way down.

"Goodmorning sunshine" My dad greeted me enthusiastically.

"It most definitely is not a good morning today dad" I grumbled eating my breakfast.

"Well if you just slept instead of sneaking out with your boyfriend then maybe it would of been an amazing morning today" He said sternly but there was a gleam in his eyes.

"Hes not my boyfriend dad" I muttered

"Well, boyfriend or not hes waiting for you outside, hurry up or you'll be late for school" He smiled and pecked my cheek then walked away cup of coffee in his hand.

I ran to the door grabbed my keys, bag and left the house.

I spotted Blakes car and walked over to it I opened the car door and sat shotgun.

He smirked at me and started driving.

"Morning, Sienna" I heard from the back of the car.

"Lila, hey, morning" I replied hastily hopefully she didnt catch me staring at her brother like a love struck puppy.

"How did you sleep last night?" She asked me, eyes twinkling.

" G-great, just great and you?" I asked her

"Lovely, I was with Matt" She told me sighing dreamily

I felt Blake stiffen beside me.

"I thought I told you not to sleep with him" He said to her clenching his jaw

"But brother dearest it was just sleeping, not the kinda things you did when you were my age" She replied innocently.

He just grumbled and said "Just be careful and tell him to not be a prick and cover his dick".

I choked on the water I was drinking when I heard him say that and he just had a sexy smirk playing on those kissable lips of his.

Lila gasped at what he said and leaned back on her seat her arms crossed in front of her chest.

We reached the school and Lila got out saying her goodbyes quickly.

I got out the car without saying anything and walked to my first lesson.

In second period I met this totally cool girl Anastasia and her equally as cool friend Dominic. They invited me to sit with them at lunch in which I agreed.

I got to the lunch que, got my food and went to sit with them.

"Hey girl" Dominic said he was very cute with honey coloured eyes and brown hair.

"Hey guys" I replied with a smile.

"So, how do you like the school so far?" Anastasia asked me, she was really pretty with black hair which had pink streaks and violet coloured eyes which were very unusual, she was a goth.

"Hmm its okay I really dont like Lexi, shes a bitch to me for no reason" I shrugged while I said that, and started eating my pizza.

"Ya, well duh, its because shes in love with Blake, but he has the hots for you, and him staring at you for the past 5 minutes really backs up my point" Dominic explained to me. I looked over at Blakes table and saw him staring at me, he just smirked and carried on eating his food.

I looked back at Anastasia and Dominic to see her head on his shoulder.

"Are you guys a couple?" I asked

They looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

"Babe, I came out the closet a few months ago and most definitely do not want to go back in" Dom told me rolling his eyes as he did so.

Ah that would explain his great fashion sense and why he would talk like he was one of the girls.

"So, I've always wanted to go to London how is it? And on that note I love your accent" Anastasia asked me.

Lunch carried on with us getting to know each other more and soon the school day ended.

I was ready to start my training. I went  to the school parking lot and found Blake leaning on his car, hands in his pockets.

I walked over to him and he said two words.

"You ready?"

"Definitely" I replied with a smile.

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