Chapter Eleven

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A demon. A freaking demon was standing in front of me with an axe in his hand and on an empty street.Great.

The only thing I could think of was to run. I turned away from the creature and ran as fast as my legs could take me. But before I even took three long strides I was knocked down onto the hard ground and everything went black for a few seconds.

I opened my eyes and I was face to face with the demon he was so close to me I could smell his disgusting breath, it smelt like blood mixed with alcohol. He drew back his fist and punched me straight in the nose, I screamed loudly the pain was so strong and I could feel the blood dripping down my lip. He grabbed my wrist, pulled me up and pushed me onto the wall. I was trapped and I couldn't fight very well since I only had a few lessons of training, so I did what any girl would do in my position and kneed the motherfucker in between his legs. He groaned in pain, dropped the axe and let go of me, looks like that move would hurt any male specie ha. I felt satisfaction build up inside of me but it quickly disappeared as my attacker got a hold of his axe snarled at me and took a swing at my neck, I shut my eyes tightly, this is it. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die a virgin, I'm not gonna get married, have children watch my lover and me grow old together nothing I didn't even graduate. But the pain didn't come and I was still alive. I slowly opened one eye then another and there I saw him. The infuriating Blake. Blake freaking Rowe was there his hand clasped tightly around the handle of the axe. I smiled and my heart leaped with joy I wasn't gonna die now. In a quick sudden movement Blake snatched the axe from the demons hand pushed him on the ground and sliced the creatures heart. He then got a small bottle out his back pocket, opened it and poured out some of the black dust over the demons body. What I saw next had my eyes bugging out of their sockets, the demons body started to sizzle and the ground beneath him swallowed him whole. What the actual fuck.

I turned to  Blake to see a grim smile on his face, I couldn't read the emotion in his eyes but I could only just realize how much his eyes caught the beauty of deep oceans glittering in the light of the moon. They were beautiful.

"You saved me" I stated "Again" I added

"I believe I did, we need to get you cleaned up" He replied a hint of worry in his voice. I almost forgot about my nose, the blood was all dried up. Gross.

He led me to his car, and I looked back to where the  fight had happened there was no trace of it. At all.

The ride to his house was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. We went into his house and it seemed as if no one was home. He led me to the bathroom and gestured for me to sit on the counter. He got all the supplies he needed and that's when I spotted something, Blake's palm had a cut a few inches deep and blood was oozing out of it, how on earth had I not realized it before?

"Blake, your hand" I told him with a gasp

"Its nothing i'll worry later, we need to get rid of the blood on your face" he explained to me, wincing slightly.

He seriously needs to stop being macho about this, it was extremely deep, how did it happen? But I didn't say that to him I just nodded slowly. He went in between my legs, got a warm cloth and started wiping the blood off my face. It was a very awkward position for me, I couldn't say the same about Blake though since he had his signature smirk etched on his face which told me exactly what he was thinking.

"Um s-so how d-do you think y-you g-got, ahem your cut" I asked him stumbling over my words slightly.

"T-the axe had s-spikes on t-the handle, s-since it recognized that I w-wasn't its owner" He explained mocking me, that smirk still on his face.

 After several minutes of awkward silence he finally finished wiping my face and put the cloth aside.

"My turn to play nurse" I informed him with a small smile.

"I think I have one of those sexy nurse outfits in my closet let me go get it" He said with a wink

"No you pervert, give me your hand" I demanded

He stretched out his arm and I started treating his wound with care.

When I finished I carefully wrapped his hand with gauze and he muttered a small thanks. My only reply was a shy smile.

I was about to hop off the counter when Blake's arm stopped me. He leaned in close to me and we were a few centimetres away from our lips touching.

"What a-are you doing?" I asked him stuttering, why am I so nervous? because hes going to kiss you and your exited the stupid voice inside my head told me.

"I want to test something out" He whispered in my ear

"Test what out?" I replied breathing heavily

"You'd like to know" He said seductively.

His hand then slid up my arm and rested on the nape of my neck, he tilted his head slightly and leaned in even closer that our breaths were mingling. I slowly closed my eyes and waited. But the kiss never came, I opened my eyes to see that Blake was no where to be seen. That dick. I hastily got of the counter and felt heat rush to my cheeks. This was so embarrassing.

I got out of the bathroom fuming, looking for Blake, I saw a room and remembered that it was Blake's since Lila told me when we were on our way to her room before. I stomped over to his room pushed the door open with more force than necessary to see him laying on his bead, eyes closed, listening to music oblivious to the fact that I was in his room. I looked around and saw that his room was enormous, he had an en suite, a black flat screen TV, a medium sized desk and a mac book that sat on top of it. The walls were painted light grey and he had a book shelf, which was stacked with CD'S and a few books he most likely never read before. My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his king sized bed and the person on it. But then I remembered why I was in his room and all thoughts of his handsome face disappeared out my mind.

I grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be a history text book and threw it at Blake. He groaned in pain and his eyes flew open. His eyes then grew dangerously dark, but I was too angry to even care.

"You sure you wanna play this game?" He asked dangerously.

"Game on, dick head" I replied and this time it was my turn to smirk.

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