Chapter Ten

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A few days later, there wasnt any training so I decided to go to my one of my favourite places, the bookstore.

As I stepped inside, a warm blast of air hit my face and the smell of new and old books floated towards my nose.

I hurriedly went towards the mythology and folk section, I wanted to read books on paranormal creatures, mostly on fallen angels. I scanned the titles of the many books lined up upon rows and rows of shelves. A particular thick book with the title of Fallen Angels:All you need to know stood out the most to me. I grabbed it and saw that it was $15, that was okay. I was about to walk to the counter to pay for the book when I saw Anastasia on the other side of the store, looking at a thick brown book with a smile on her face. I walked towards her as she turned to face me.

"Sienna, hey" She hugged me.

"Anastasia, hiya" I replied my gaze darting to the big brown book that I now realised was a spell book, which was now on the shelf. Was she a witch or something? I mean it wouldnt be suprising, she dresses like a stereotypical witch and I heard rumours that she practises magick.

"I'm not a witch dont worry" She tells me smiling.

"I just am really intrested in it, I had an ancestor who practised magick though, unforunately or fortunately for some, the magick didnt pass down her line" She explains to a suprised me.

"There are rumours at school, but I honestly dont care what they think, they are pretty cool anyway even if they can get really stupid sometimes" She says to me her smile getting wider.

"Oh, thats pretty awesome, there was this one stupid rumour that you were in love with Dominic but he didnt feel the same way so you put a spell on him to make him gay so that if you cant have him no other girl can" We laughed together at what I had told her.

"That one is pretty idiotic because then I would let Boys have him" She tells me with a small chuckle.

"Why do you have a non fiction book on fallen angels?" She asks me cocking a perfectly arched brow.

"Erm..Well I read this book called Fallen by Lauren Kate and I was i-intrested in them, so I decided to learn m-more about them" I said to her lamely.

She didnt look like she believed me but dropped the subjet anyway.

We walked to the counter together so I could pay for the book.

We left the warmth of the bookstore and were both greeted by the smirking face of Blake and the grinning one of Dominic.

I was very suprised to see this duo, I heard that Blake and the populars hated Dominic because of his sexuality.

"Dom Dom" Anasatsia shrieked and ran into the arms of her bestfriend. He laughed at her enthusiasm and welcomed her with open arms.

"Come on Sienna give Blake some sugar" Blake said to me winking and beckoning me towards him.

"Hmm? Just go to the supermarket you can get some sugar there" I informed him rolling me eyes.

He huffed in annoyance and turned to Dom "Come on bro lets go".

"Cool" dominic replied to Blake and said his goodbyes to us.

"Well I gotta go now anyway babe, see ya later"Anastasia said to me when the boys left. She hugged me and walked off to her car.

I went the opposite direction and was on my way home, the sky was getting dark and it was eerily silent only the steady sound of my breathing and footsteps could be heard. But then I heard loud and heavy footsteps that definitely did not belong to me.

 I turned around and then the sound of the footsteps stopped.

There stood a bald lanky man dressed in black leather. What stirred up the fear inside of me was not his swirling red eyes but the axe he held in his gloved hand.

"Found you" he taunted in a creepy sing song voice.

Shit. Shit. Shit.


Authors Note:

Uh-oh someones in trouble. Mwahahaha.

I finally uploaded, sorry for the lateness I was just so busy these couple of days.

I promise to upload quicker since its the summer hols.


Thanks guysss



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