Chapter Thirteen

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My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realization that I am awake again. It was a nice dream, something about sitting in a big oak tree in a meadow full of flowers, but the details are fading fast even as I try to recall them. With a mental sigh I allow my brain to focus and cautiously open one eye.

The bright spring sunlight cuts the room in half and I see dust-motes dancing in the wall of light. I pull the duvet up over my head and try to go to sleep. It's not going to work, my brain is awake now and already worrying about Blake's 'buddy' poking me in the butt.

I'm being freaking butt raped.

I sit up and punch Blake square in the chest, but it only resulted in my hand being seriously hurt. I look down at Blake and see that his breathing is deep and relaxed, all the muscles in his face and body were totally at peace, he looked... Innocent.

I remembered what woke me up and mentally cringed then punched his chest repeatedly until finally his eyes fluttered open.

"What was that for" His voice deep and husky.

"Your little buddy, woke me up" I informed him my hand covering my mouth not wanting him to smell my morning breath.

"I guess then you realized how big it is, and how you can most definitely not chop it off" He smirked at me, got off my bed and went out of my window. Leaving me shocked and my mouth hanging open.

I hurriedly went to my bathroom,after several minutes of me gaping like a fish and had a shower, then brushed my teeth.

I got some light blue skinny jeans and a long sleeved purple shirt with a plunging neckline out of my closet and laid them on my bed, I chose to wear my black converses.

I went to my mirror and combed my hair, taking out all the tangles, and I put it in a tight, high ponytail, not wanting any tendrils to come out of of place, I also put on my mums necklace. I then applied some eyeliner and a few coats of mascara after getting dressed, then I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

"Morning Dad" I chirp happily, I'm in a good mood for some odd reason.

I sit at the dining table my cereal already waiting for me.

"Good Morning Sienna" My dad replies with a bright smile, then returns back to reading the newspaper.

I eat in silence, the only sound is my dad humming softly while flicking the pages of the newspaper.

I finished eating my breakfast, kiss my dad on the forehead and head outside.

I reached school feeling refreshed due to the walk I had on the way. I look at my timetable to see I have AP history. So I head over to the classroom.

There were only three people in the class since we were all a bit early so I look outside the window out of boredom, and see Blake coming out of his car. I see heads turn to look at him I mean who wouldn't? With a body and face like that, he also could be a little charming if he wanted to,  but the arrogant streak is obviously more dominant.

The noise of students piling into the classroom, broke my long chain of thoughts and I looked up to see a good looking boy approaching me. He had light brown floppy hair and brown eyes, he was like the boy next door kinda guy.

"Hey is this seat taken?" He asked me with a flirty smile.

Before I could answer him, Blake interrupted out of frigging no where. "Yes, it is, so move" He barked.

The boy who remains nameless turned to look at Blake and I saw fear in his eyes, he nodded, clenching his jaw and went to sit at the back of the classroom.

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