Chapter Seven

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I went home that night feeling so happy that I got to be in Blakes arms, I really like him.

I got dressed in some leggings and a vest top and was ready to go to sleep when I heard a tap coming from my window, then another then another. I was curious as to what was causing the noise and hurriedly went to the window. I opened it, and looked out to see Blake freaking Rowe standing on the ground a handful of small stones in his hand.

"Rupunzel, Rupunzel let down your hair" He cried loudly with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Blake! What the hell do you think your doing? My dad is asleep in the room next door be quiet" I whisper shouted

"Alright, stay there just step back"

I did as he said and I saw him flying up to my window in all his dark angel glory. He can fly, well obviously, he has wings, I slapped my self internally.

"Come with me?" He asked

"Where? Its a school night and the information you fed me made me tired" I moaned

"Did you forget? We have to be together, why is that a bad thing? You get to be with this sexy thang" He smirked his signiture smirk and pointed at himself moving his finger up and down.

"Get your head out of your ass Blake, I need my beauty sleep"

"Well then I guess I'll have to stay with you, other wise your going to be lighting up brightly and they'll find us".

I dont want him in the same room as me watching me sleep, what if I dribble and start sleep talking, nu uh I'm not having that.

"Fine" I agreed with a huff

He smiled, happy that he got his way and put his arms around me carrying me bridal style.

"Blake put me down, right now" I whispered angrily.

"You have to get out by the window, you dont want to wake your dad now do you?"

He had a point so he stood on the window sil and flew us to the ground, it just felt like a slow jump.

He let me go, and I felt very cold, I shivered. I should of took my hoodie with me.

Blake took his off and gave it to me, He was wearing a shirt underneath.

"Your going to get cold" I said to him

"Dont worry about me Sienna" He replied smugly.

The sky was dotted with luminous stars, the moon full and bright. We walked through the inky darkness of the mid-autumn night. No words were said between us and none had to be said, it was a comfortable silence we fell into.

We arrived at a small diner which was empty apart from some old women gossiping. Blake took me to a small table in the back of the diner. It was so warm and cozy in here and I instantly liked it.

"They have the best ice cream here, trust me" He said to me exitedly.

"I'll be the judge of that" I replied chuckling at his exitement.

A curvy, brown haired waitress came to our table and was staring at Blake lustfully.

"What can I get you, sugar?" She said to him huskily leaning over the table so her breasts were spilling out.

"Some class" Blake replied with a disgusted look on his face. I burst out laughing at that and the girl scowled at me. She walked off, cheeks blazing red, her heels making a loud clacking noise on the ground.

The girl was replaced with a kind, older woman, who asked us both what we wanted, Blake ended up ordering for me, he promised me that I would love it, quote: 'more than I love him' he really is  cocky.

The ice cream arrived and it was delicious. I moaned in delight, and looked up to see Blake staring at me his eyes darkening, awkward.

"Lets play 20 questions" He said to me his eyes returning to their normal shade.

"Alright, you start" I replied

"Have you ever kissed someone?" He asked me.

"Yeah once, it was disgusting he had onion breath" I replied replaying the memory in my head with a shudder. He laughed at that, it was so not funny.

"Who was your first kiss?" I asked genuinely curious

"Lexi, we dated for a few months but she started getting annoying and I realised that I didnt actually have any feelings for her, she was just good in bed" He answered my question with a shrug.

I felt a pang in my chest and hated Lexi more than I already did.

"Whats your favourite colour?"

"Tuquoise, It just seems like a calm, refreshing colour and its gorgeous" I replied

"Wow you give your favourite colour some thought" He said to me chuckling.

So we carried on like that learning new things about eachother and having a laugh which was really nice.

We got out of the diner and started walking to our homes. We reached my window and he flew us up again, thankfully it was still dark so no one could see us,they were probably all  sleep now anyway. 

"I'm gonna have to stay here, you know that right? Just in case, but I'll leave in the morning before your dad wakes you up" He explained to me.

"But dont you have to be with me or I'll have a scent?" I asked

"Yeah I do, but seriously we cant be attached by the hip, and if were in the same building you wont have that scent, so at school I wont need to change my timetable".

"Ah okay I understand" I said to him a little sad, I really enjoyed his company.

"Oh and my uncle told me tell you that training kicks off every day after school and on Saturdays, you get a rest on Sunday" He said to me.

"Training?" I asked confused

"Yeah, you need to be able to protect your self remember? Us fallen angels have been training all our lives, its up to me to train you, just dont get distracted by my sexy body when I'm shirtless, its strictly buisness" He explained to me winking.

He then walked to the corner of my room and sat on a chair, motioning for me to sleep.

I did just that and was excited to start training tomorrow. Very excited.

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