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We were all in my car, Well, my dads Truck, and we were just driving where ever the wheels took us.

"And now playing, Love Robbery!" The radio said.

We all started screaming, we loved this song.

"My heart was stolen

Uh, I said I got my heart stolen from a robber
With some high heels on
There’s nothing I could do I couldn’t stop her
From leading me on yeah

It’s a love robbery (yeah)
It’s a love robbery (lets go)
It’s a love robbery (uh)

And then Johnson started Rapping, 

"OK the sun was setting; it was picture perfect when I met her
She had me thinking her and I was gonna be together
Forever? Wait hold up you thought this on the first date
Man I know it's like she got me hooked right away
I, I couldn’t see it coming like a sucker punch
Took my heart then she’s out that’s a hit and run
It's like I’m at the police department broken hearted
Time to figure out how it all started
Uh 5’2 with some attitude
It's all good ‘cause honestly I think it's kinda cute
Last seen in a little black dress
Watch out for those eyes ‘cause she’s armed and dangerous
Like bow, hit you with that one shot
Hands up she said give me everything you got
And then she'll dip like it never even happened
She could kill with those looks fatal attraction"

We just kept on singing, and jamming out. I loved times like these.

Jack turned to me, and started singing, 


It’s a love robbery
It’s a love robbery
It’s a love robbery (yeah)

Okay we got a 2-11 in progress
Suspect is beautiful wanted for heart theft
My baby on the run, hold up why did I call her that
She did me so wrong and I still feel like I want her back
Okay I’m getting it back matter of fact
I’m gonna write it all down in a rap sheet
Thought she loved me"

I laughed at him, and we kept singing.

 "Ok, well, where are we going?" I asked, as we stopped at a stoplight.

"Anywhere." Sam said.

I smiled, adn turned a corner, and a few more, until we got to a empty feild. 

"where the hell are we?" Johnson asked.

I looked at Sammy, who was smiling, and he knew where we were.

"No, seriously, where are we?" Jack asked.

"We are at the place, where we all ran away to in 6th grade. The tree house we found?" I said.

Jack and Johnson smiled, and we drove out into the feild, and parked infrotn of the woods. We got out, and we raced into the forest. We stopped when we heard leave rustling and laughter.

Ok, this is like a scary movie now.." Sammy said.

I smiled, and then, a few shadows appeared.

"Hey. Theres people, run!" One of them said.

"No, guys, its ok, this used to be our tree house." I smiled.

They stopped, and came out from behind the tree.

It was three boys, and one girl.. Coinsedience? I think not.

"O-oh, sorry, we didnt know." The girl said.

"Its totally ok, I'm Britt, and this is Sam, Jack and Jack." I said.

"Oh, I'm James, this is Kayden, oliver and Holly." James said.

"Nice to meet you guys." Johnson said.

"So, how long have you guys known about this place?" I asked.

"We just found it." Holly smiled.

"what grade are you guys in?" I asked.

"Hollys in 6th, and were in 7th. We've known eachother for a really long time." Oliver said.

"Really? Me and these guys have known eachother our whole lives, and we found this place when we were in 6th grade." Jack said.

We all talked for what felt like hours, and it was dark out. 

"Crap, my moms gonna kill me!" Holly said.

"Where do you guys live?" I asked.

"East Street." 

"Hey, no way, we live down there." Johnson said.

"We could give you guys a ride, if you want. Dont worry, you can trust us." Sammy said.

They nodded, and we headed out to the truck. I made Johnson, Jack and Sammy ride in the bed, while Kayden, Oliver and James rodein the back seats, and Holly was in the front with me.

We pulled up to the houses, and their parents were out side. I decided to go introduce myself.

"Where were you guys? Its 11 at night!" Who seemed to be hollys mom said.

"Uh, HI, I'm BRitteny Kelly, and these are my friends Jack Johnson, and Sammy wilk, and my boyfriend Jack Gilinsky. We were just going to the old place we found as kids, and we saw these guys, and we ended up talking for a long time, and I told them I'd drive them home, and I just live right over there, so od these guys." I said.

"Oh, Hi, I'm Justice, Hollys mom. Did they cause any trouble?" She asked.

"No, they were cool. They reminded me of us when we were in 6th grade." I smiled.

She smiled back. "Well, thank you, heres my number, and thank you again." She smiled.

"NO problem." I said.

We all got back int he truck, me and the guys, and we decided to go out to eat.

"wow, first time ever that you referred to me as your boyfriend." Jack smiled from the passenger seat. Johnson and sammy laughed from the back seat.

I rolled my eyes. "Get used to it buster." I smirked.

I felt Jacks hand on my thigh, it made me feel safe.


"Ok, well, I need to go home. I am too tired." Johnson said.

"Same." sam said.

"Ok, well, I'll drop you guys off at home." I said.

After we went out to eat, which ended at 1 am, we decided to go drive some more, and do random things at the sotres that were still open. It was now 3 in the morning.

I dropped sammy and Johnson off, and it was just e and JAck.

"What now." I asked.

'My parents arent home." He said.

"Neither are mine. Mine went on a buissness trip to England, didnt I tell you?" I laughed.

"Nope, mine are on their anniversary trip." Jack said.

I looked a thim, and he looked back. "What should we do?" I asked.

"I have a good answer for that..." He smirked.

"Well, not my house, I have three other people in there, and youre the only one home, so.." I smirked.

I parked the truck, and I got out.

"Are ya coming or not?" I asked.

"wait, are you serious?" He said.

'Well, yeah.." I said.

we ran across the yard to his house Him tripping on the way, and we made it in safely.

I took my jacket off, and ran upstiars.

"slow up!" He said, he was trying to get his shoes off.

I laughed really loudly, and coverd my mouth after. Which ended in me and him laughing again.

He caught up to me, and pinned me against the wall. "Oh the things I'm going to do to you..." He said in my ear.

His voice made me melt inside...

Dare. (Jack Gilinsky/Nate Maloley)Where stories live. Discover now