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I woke up, and I was in a white room, I didnt recognize anything.

"britt? Are you awake?" I heard a voice say.

I looked over, and saw Jack. 

"Hey.." I said, "What happned?" 

"You dont remember anything?" He said.

"No.." I said.

"Well, we went to the store last night, and then we saw Riley, and then you ran out of the stoer, and you were crossing the cross walk to get back to the hotel, and some person wasnt paying attention to where they were going, and crashed into you." He said.

"Oh, is that all that happened?' I asked.

"Yeah, do you remember everythin gelse, like where we ar-"

"I'll ask her those questions, bud." The doctor came in.

"Hello Ms.Kelly, how are you feeling?' HE asked.

"Im good." I replied.

"You were out for almost 24 hours." He said.

"Really? what time is it?" I asked.

"A little after Midnight, this young man never left your side." He said.

I smiled.

"Ok, what is your full name?"

"Britteny Mariee Kelly."


"January 6th 1997..."

"Best friends birthdays?"

"Sammy's is December 11th, 1995, Johnsons is March 24th 1996 and Jacks is september 10th 1996." I laughed.

"Good, Mothers name?" He asked.

"Harriet and Joey." 

"Ok, seems to be all good, you do have a fe wbruised ribs, and a broken hand/arm, but you should be able to go,You just need to have one other person sign for your medication, and your parents arent here, so..." 

"I will, I spend the most time with her, and were leaving florida next week.." Jack said.

"Ok, are you over the age of 18 sir?" e asked.

"No..Damn." He laughed.

"Johnson is, maybe he could."

"Sammy would have a better chance." Jack shook his head.

"Ok, I'll call him." I said, grabbing my phone.


"and you are done! Make sure you take care of her." The doctors said, as we walked out to the car.

"Your welcome." Sammy said.

"Thanks Dad." She joked.

We laughed and left back to the hotel.

"Hey guys." Johnson said, as we walked in.

"Whatcha doing?" i plopped down next to him.

"Wow, pretty energetic for a girl who got hit by a car last night.." Johnson joked.

I rolled my eyes. 

"And I just booked a plane for tomorow afternoon back to Omaha." He said.

"For all of us?" I asked.

"Nah, for me." He said.

"Why?!" sam asked.

"Because I have to tour Omaha university on Friday." He said.

That reminds me, I have to tour the Oregon State University next thursday..

I stood up and walked to the bathroom and closed the door. How am I supposed to tell Jack that I'm leaving him for like, five years..

"Hey, Britt? You Ok?" JAck asked.

"Y-Yeah, just give me a sec.." I said.

Did I ever mention Jack never listens?

He wlaked right in.

"whats the matter?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"I..I dont know how to tell you.."   I said, hugging him.

"what are you talking about?" He said.


"What about College? We were all accepted into Omaha state.." He said.

"Yeah, but I was accepted into three other colleges.." I said.

"But youre going to Omaha, right?" He said.

I looked up at him, and I sighed.

"Yeah, Yeah I am." I lied.

"Good, are you just nervous?" He asked.

"y-Yeah, just nervous.." I said.

Yeah, nervous you'll find someone better than me and I will loose all 18 years of friendship..

Dare. (Jack Gilinsky/Nate Maloley)Where stories live. Discover now