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"JACK!" I called.

"What?" He called back.

I climbed out of the window and onto the roof, where he was sitting.

"Here." I said, handing him the bottle of vodka.

"Thank god." He said.

Our parents were out for the night. They have been friends since they were little, same with me and Jack.

"Where is Johnson and Wilk?" He asked.

"Theyre coming." I said.

He nodded and took a swig from the bottle.

"Hey." I heard sammy say from behind.

He and Johnson climbed through my window, and we all sat in a line on the roof, watching the sun set.

"We better not get totally shit faced, we have graduation tomorow." I said.

"Yeah, at like, 5. We got all day tomorow to get over a hang over. Buzz kill" Johnson yelled.

"Shut up, Old mrs.Gem might hear you." I laughed.

Mrs.Gem was the old lady who lived two doors down from me, and she always watched me and the guys 24/7 because she thought I was gonna get hurt. Well, 17 years later and I think I'm good..

"Ok, so, tomorow after the graduation, were all going to my house and were gonna get smashed." Sammy said.

"What about your paretns." I asked.

"Nah, theyre gonan be gone." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and took a swig from the bottle.

We arent drunks, we are just a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds living the unperfect life under our parents roofs who expect us to be perfect.

"One more month and I am out of here for good." I said.

"What do you mean?" Gilinsky asked.

"I dont want to stay in Omaha for ever.." I said.

"Where are you going?" HE asked.

"Somewhere where I can be me.." I laughed.

My parents never liked the fact that I had no "girl" friends. Its too much drama, and besides, I have been friends with the three of them my entire life. So they always wanted me to wear a dress when ever I went out to play with them, so then they wouldnt get me dirty. But when ever I got to one of their houses, they gave me some shorts and a tee shirt, and we would go play in the mud. And when we returned, one of their moms would help me get back to the 'girly' image my mom wanted. She never found out about this, thats how I grew close with their moms. Of course I'm close with my mom, but she doesnt need to findout what we did when we were younger, she'll find out sooner than later.

"I think we all want to move away." Johnson said.

By now, the sun had set, and it was just us, with the glow of the moon.

"What time are our parents returning?" I asked.

"who knows, All I heard was, "well be back in time for your graduation"." Wilk said.

I nodded and we all tok a swig one by one.

"alright, lets get inside, its getting cold." i said.

We all got up and made it inside of the house one by one not dying.

We all sat around my room, talking, with the faint noise from the tv playing The Office in the background.

"So, what are you wearing tomorow Britt?" Johnson asked in a girly voice.

"I dont know, my mom like, totally wants me to wear a dress." I said back in the same tone.

"Britteny Mariee Kelly! Where is my Vodka?" I heard my mom say from down stairs.

I quick threw it under my bed.

"I told you guys." She said, openeing my door, "dont take my vodka!"

I smiled, and she looked mad.

"Are you guys spending the night or what?" I asked.

They all looked at eachother.

"sure." They all said.

They all came running twoards me, and snuggled up in my queen sized bed, me standing there, looking at them in my bed.

I rolled my eyes and layed ontop of their legs, and we felll asleep. How we always used to when we were younger.



He honestly loved how I had guy friends instead of girl friends. We would always go hunting together, and he had some one to talk about Cars and sports with.

My two older sisters, and one younger sister, always had girl friends around. It was annoying because they would always hit on them.

Fake hair, fake boobs, fake everything, my sisters were fake. Amey, who was 23, sarah who was 20, Me who is 17, and Caley, who is 15. My sisters are fake. I guess I was the lucky one and was born flawless. *Cue hair flip* or so thats what the guys told me.

We all groaned and rolled over. I crawled up to where Sammy was and snuggled up close to him.

"Hey Hey Hey now, hands off my daughter." My Dad laughed, coming and trying to pry Sammys hands off me.

His grip got tighter, and we both tried to contain our laughter.

Jack and Johnson woke up, and Sammy and Jack did a trade off. Jack picked me up and ran past my dad, and down the stairs.

We all ended up in the back yard somehow, and we were wrestling and play fighting. I loved how natural it felt, and how my dad was laid back and comfortable.

"alright, alright, we dont need my daughter in the hospital." My mom said, coming out on the porch. "Come on, go home, get showered and changed, we still need graduation pictures with you guys!" she said.

My mom was kind of th eevil witch who loved us all.

She hated it when we got dirty and smelly, but hey, its what happens when your daughter has three best "Boy friends".

They said bye, and ran to their houses. Johnsons was right across from mine, Jacks was to the left of mine, and Sammys was two doors down from Johnsons. We were really close.

"Ok, here is the dress!" My mom said.

I was afraid it was going to be some frilly pink shitty dress, but to my surprise, it was a navy blue dress, that cut in a sweet heart neck line, and it was mid thigh.

"Wow, its nice." I said.

I slipped it on, and it fit nicely. She sat me down, and curled my hair.

"Please let me do your makeup.." She pleaded.

I have never worn any other make up except Mascara, Chap stick, and the occasional eye liner for special events, but she wanted to do full on bronzer, concealer, blush and the whole she-bang.

"fine." I gave in.

she did a littl ehappy dance, which caused me to smile.

Dare. (Jack Gilinsky/Nate Maloley)Where stories live. Discover now