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I lookedover, and Saw Britt looking around the hotel.

"Lost?" I chuckled.

"No, just cant remmeber where the room was.." She lightly slurred.

There was alcohol, and such, but I never thought that she would end up this drunk.

"And no, I am not drunk, I just had a few drinks." she laughed.

"sure.." I said.

I grabbed her hand, and lead her back to the room.

"You know, I really like Jack.." She giggled, stumbling a bit.

"Gilinsky?" I asked.

"Yeah, did you know he is my best friend?!" she said excitedly.

I thought to myself, doest being drunk make you say things you actually mean? Or am i just stupid.

I shrugged it off, an handed her a bottle of water.

"Drink." I said over the music.

She drank the whole thing, and wasnt as tipsy.

"Truth or Dare time!" someone yelled.

we sat int eh circle next to Sammy and Jack.

"Alright, who doin it first?" Some guy said.

A girl who Britt is friends with rose her hand.

"alright, Johnson of the Jack variety, Truth or dare?" she asked.

I knew she liked me, and I liked her back, so I chose Dare.

"Dare me." I winked.

There were a bunch of ooos from the poeple around us.

"I dare you to, take a belly shot off Me and sammy." she giggled.

I rolled my eyes, and they both layed on teh table. I did sammy quick and effortlessly, and when I got to her, I did it slower, and people ooehd again.

We all sat back down, and it was my turn. I guess this is how I am going to get my two best friends together.

"Jack, truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Dare bro!" he laughed.

"I dare you to take the prettiest girl in here to the room across the hall for a half hour." I said.

"Alright." He said, and walked twoards Britt. Before he got to her, he went to Hannah, the girl next to her, and grabbed her hand.

Everyone cheered, and Britt looked like she was about to cry.

What have I done...


I watched him as he grabbed Hannahs hand, and they walked out. I started getting tears inmy eyes, but really? Jack is my best friend, I cant like him. I walke dover to Sammy.

"Hey, whats wrong?" He asked.

"I want to go.." I said.

He nodded, and walked over to JJ.

JJ nodded and we left.

JJ went to the room Jack was in, and barged right in.

"Get your clothes o- oh." He said.

I looked and they were doing nothing.

A wave of relief washed upon me.

"Were leaving, come on." He said.

Sammy was the only one who didnt drink a single thng.

"I cant go home looking like this, Gilinsky, can I crsh at yours tonight?" I asked.

"sure." He said flatly.

We pulled into Jacks driveway, and we all headed our seperate ways.

Jack led me upstairs, but we had to be quiet. I was still a bit tipsy, and he carried me.

Once we got to his room, I collapsed on his bed.

Jack still looked pretty hammered. He slipped off his shirt and pants, and climbed onto his bed.

"You can get some sweats or something fromone of the drawers." He said.

I got up, and slipped out off my jeans and tee shirt, leaving me in a tank top. I grabbed one of his shirts from his closet, and lsipped it on over my body, it reached past my bottom.

I climbed in next to him.

"Why didnt you do the dare?" I asked.

"Becuase..There is a diffrent girl for me." He said.

His eyes were closed, but he was fully awake.

"Tell me about her." i said.

"Well, she is gorgeous, and she has a nce smile, she is just like me, but in a girl version, and I have known her for a long time..You might know her." He said.

"She sounds like a nice girl, have I met her?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, you should know her like the back of your hand." He said.

I looked at him confused, completely oblivious to who he was actually talking about.

"Who is it?" I asked.

He opened his eyes, and sat up so he was sitting next to me.

"Its you." He said.

"wha- no its not.." I said.

He looked at me again,and brought his hand to my cheek, "Yes, it is." His lips brushed mine for a brief second.

My heart fluttres, and felt like it was on fire. I brought my hands to his neck,a dn pulled him back to my lips. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer to him.


I grabbed her waist, and kissed her harder.

I never would of thought that she would kiss back.

Her hands were in my hair, and I pulled her ontop of me, my head hitting the pillow behind me.

"Jack.." She moaned into my mouth.

I moved my hands from her waist down.

Her breath hitched, and I felt good knoing I could only do this to her. As far as I know at least...

Dare. (Jack Gilinsky/Nate Maloley)Where stories live. Discover now