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I slowly fixed my tie and hair, making sure it was perfect.

"HUNNY! The boys are here!" My mom yelle dup the stairs.

I made sure I looked presentable, and walked down stairs to find Sammy and Johnson in their tuxs' as well.

"Alright, lets go get Queen dirt herself." I joked.

We have called Britt 'queen Dirt' for as long as we can remember, and she called us her 'royal sidebutts'.

we walked over to Britts, to find her sisters all out waiting for us.

I rolled my eyes.

"Youre not going to believe this, but she actually looks kind of hot." Amey said.

"what do you mea-"

"dude.." Johnson said.

I looked twoards the door, and There she was, in a dress, with her hair done, and her make up did too.

"Holy shit." I mumbled.

I have had a crush on Britt for about five and a half years now, so, basically ever since she started getting older, and more mature and other stuff...

"Hey Trusty side butts!" she said, wlaking over.

"Hey Queen dirt." We all bowed playfully.

We heard a camera snap, and her mom smiled.

"Thats a keeper." she smiled.

we all laughed.

'Ok, Babies, over in the back, we need pictures!!" She smiled.

We soon saw our parents come too.

"Ok, can we get some sibling pictures first?" They asked.

we all smiled with our siblings and such, and then it was changed to paretns, now the final ones, the four of us.

We stood in a line infront of the big tree with our play house, and I placed my left arom around Johnsons shoulder, and my right arm around Britts waist. I could feel her tense up a bit, and she placed her arm around my waist, and her other around Sammy.

We took a bunch of pictures, and my favorite was where Sammy did something, and she laughed really hard, and she was doubled over laughing, and we were all laughing too.

"Alright, the time is now 2 pm, you guys dont have to be there until 5:30, so lets go out to eat." harriet said, (Britts mom)

We all piled into our seperate Cars

"Can I drive?" Britt asked.

I tossed her the keys to my jeep.

"Dude! How come we never got to drive your Jeep but she does?!" sammy and Johsnon complined.

"Eh, she is special." I laughed.

She hopped in, and we all fought for who got shot gun.

"sammy, you win." She laughed.

Me and JJ pouted.

She rolled her eyes, and we pulled into Olive Garden.

After about a good 3 hours eating and talking about our future, we headed off to the school.

We got to choose how the calling would go, like, groups and such, and we calle dour selves the "Grotacious four"

we piled in, an our families went out to the stands to watch.

after everyone's groups got called, we aske dto go last.

"And, my favortie kiddos by far these past four years, the "Grotacious Four, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Britteny Kelly, and Sammeul wilkinson."

We all walke dup, and got our things, papers and such, and We did a happy dance, and walked off stage.

"I pronounce this class, graduating class of 2014!" we all threw our hats in the air.

We did a group hug, and Britt was crying.

I hugged her last and the longest.


we all went home aftergoing out to eat again But our dads went and took the four of us to get Ice Cream, while our moms went home becuase they couldnt handle us eight with our loud selves.

We pulled into the lot, and got out, our dads were in the other car next to us.

Britteny jumped on my back, and I caried her in.

"Good call reminding us to bring extra clothes to change into Britt." Sammy said.

"Hey, I guess I am the smart one out of the group then." shemsirked.

we all started fighting, which ened up with us getting shut up by my dad.

"What kind do you all want?" He asked, holding a napkin with a pen in his hand.

"Chocoalte." We all said at one.

"I guess that solves that one." He said, throwing the napkin and pen behind him.

We laughed, and soon we were greeted with four cones, with three scoops of choclate each, and Britteny had sprinkles, but ours didnt.

"Hey, I want sprinkles!" Johnson pouted.

"No, yure not the smart or pretty one of the goup, fuck off." Britt said, licking her sprinkles.

we all laughed, and ate our creams.

"Alright, no funny buissness, and be home before noon tomorow, or at least call me at noon to check up, ok?" Joey, Britts Dad, Said.

"dad you act like I've never slept over at one of thei hosues before." she laughed.

"what ever, behave." He said, looking at us boys.

we said bye,a dn headed off in the direction of the hotel.

"wait, were not going home?" She asked.

"Nope, were going to a party at the hotel down the road, kind of end of school/summer party." I said.

"Oh." she sat back in the seat and looked out the window.

When we arrived, they asked for our names, which we gave.

"Oh, youre all in the suit upstairs, last door on the left, youre from Westside?" She asked.

"Yeah, we just gradutatd today." I said.

Yup, 9th floor, last door on the left." she smiled.

w thanked her, and headed up.

Dare. (Jack Gilinsky/Nate Maloley)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum