Chapter One

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Xenia was shivering and silent tears were falling feverishly on her cheeks. She could vaguely make out the words being spoken outside yet she knew she had to pull herself together if she wanted to get herself out of here alive. Without further ado she saw the closet door being yanked open and the priest was standing in front of her with so much pain and sadness that it broke her heart.

"Xenia you know what you have to do" he said sadly. She silently nodded.

He shoved a small pouch in her hands
"Run for your and our lives if they find out that you have escaped they will come after you" he frantically said.

"You have to keep on going till you reach the Black Hounds pack, only then you will be safe. Remember you have to find out who is behind this", he added.

She was stunned by everything that was happening and yet after this she pulled herself together and knew what she had to do. He told her to use the secret passage out of here and to not stop for anything or anyone.

Xenia ran through the passage leading outside her room and thankfully no one saw her. She ran till she reached the end of it, not stopping or turning around, but she could vividly hear the screams and agony coming from behind her. She vowed to come back again, but for now she had to get out of here.

Chapter One

It has been two weeks and still she is on the run trying to reach the Black Hounds Pack's territory, yet in vain for she seems to have no directions and asking people is something she tries to refrain from, in the fear of getting caught by someone. At last she came upon a small cottage. Knocking on the door an old lady opened it when she saw Xenia she immediately ushered her inside for she looked almost dead from all that she had gone through (be it the lack of food, constant fear, or just walking around constantly for God knows how many days)

"God! Child" you look awful! The old lady exclaimed. Xenia barely looked at her, taking in her motherly worried appearance and passed out right there and then on her doorstep.

When she woke up she could see she was on a rather comfortable bed and someone had taken real good care of her, taking her shoes off and attending to her swollen feet and even changed her clothes! Suddenly she remembered the old lady and just as she was recollecting her memories the old lady entered with a kind smile on her face. "My dear child, you look a lot better now". Xenia just managed to break a small smile on her lips.

The old lady continued, "You know you should be thankful that it was my door you knocked on and not some random drunken man who would have certainly taken advantage of you poor baby" she ended scolding her gently. Xenia gasped and shuddered at her true words for it is completely true. If by any chance she had gone somewhere else only Goddess knows how that might have ended up for her.

The old lady gently placed her hand on Xenia's and calmed her with soothing words, "but thank Goddess it was me child, she spoke softly. And all Xenia could do was nod as silent tears slipped from her eyes.

"No my child we do not cry over things that didn't happen all I want you to do is get stronger so that I can send you back to your home and family I am sure they must be worried sick about you", but, Xenia knew she had to leave here before the old lady starts to get suspicious. Thus she mustered all her strength and looked at her while saying,

"Ma'am, you have no idea how thankful and eternally grateful I am to you but I can certainly no longer bother you for I have already put you through so much inconvenience. So if it's not too much can you just point me in the right direction and tell me where we are for I would really like to get to my destination".

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