Chapter 27: Take It All Away

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I was here to enjoy my night and to stop myself from thinking about my own troubles.

I tried to gather my thoughts as I sat after dancing nonstop and drinking with the other girl groups. i let out a deep sigh trying to lessen the heaviness that's been dwelling within me.

My eyes wandered off trying to find someone. My sorta happy pill. Someone I can annoy to channel my dark feeling.

"Ha! Target acquired. There you are!" I thought to myself.

She had a sullen look on her face as I stared at her from a comfortable distance.

She took a swig of vodka, deep in thoughts, looking lost, eye's swollen.

Like invisible magnets, alarms and instincts pulled me towards her. And in a matter of seconds I found myself sitting beside her.

"Wow, are you angry at the vodka, Tzuyu?"

She just gave me a flat stare, seemingly not surprised to see me. As though she knew all along that I was there looking at her at a comfortable distance. She let out a sarcastic laugh and looked at me square in the eyes.

She's pissed at me.

"Stupid. You annoyed her one too many times and kissed her without her permission. Who wouldn't be pissed?" I face palmed at the sudden realization

"You're really crazy, aren't you?"


"You're drinking like a mad man. Can you handle yourself later?"

"Why do you care?" She said in a mean way. Obvious that alcohol is sinking in.

"I don't. Just want to annoy you."

Her eyes speak of sadness, even when her heart chooses never to say a word. i can't look away, when the sadness in mine understands.

I shook my head off and refrain the thought of asking her what's wrong because I'm not much of a good adviser. Though, I can see pain in her eyes. I know I might not be the right person to confide to. I have troubles of my own.

"Hey, don't drink too much."

"I'm not drunk." She said stubbornly.

I just heaved a deep sigh. And stared at the people laughing around and having around and having fun while both of us is stuck with each other.

Then someone familiar caught my attention. I straightened on my seat when I figured out who it is.

Someone I'm not ready to see and rub elbows with. All the alcohol had drained into my body as I woken up with jolt of pain in my chest while I'm looking at the person who's the reason why I'm sad and in pain right now.

She was giggling as her girl companion seemed to crack some jokes.

I let out a sigh while I'm following them with my stare as she passed by.

She--- my ex-girlfriend and her new squeeze.

"hey, Chaeng.. Didn't know that I'll be seeing you here with Tzuyu." she said smug and guilt free as ever.

"Oh. Don't mind us, don't mind me. I've existed long enough before you even noticed. So I think I'll be just fine. But for the record, fuck you just the same."

I was angry but I was hurt first as I see her with someone new. I can feel my tears falling down to my eyes.

Tzuyu stood in between then pulled me out of the bar.

"Oh God, fuck my life." That's all I blurted out after looking so weak in front of the one who broke my heart.


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