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I tossed and turned in the hospital bed. I felt sleepless, but I also felt so tired.

The frustration became too unbearable for me to handle so, I threw the covers over me, got out of bed, and left the room where Samra was still sleeping peacefully.

I walked down the halls and zoned out. My thoughts were so loud and distracted me.

I just couldn't believe Valerie is crazy enough to get herself killed, but, I know that Abel loved her at one point in his life and I would never ask or expect him to handle her for the sake of us.

That would be too selfish of me and I know that there's always going to be a part of him that feels some way about her, but, I'm grown enough to accept that, she was nearly his first love.

You always have to be prepared for a man to switch up on you. Abel and I have been through hell and back, I never would have thought I could love someone as much as I love him.

He's really something. There's times where he can be so sentimental and caring, but then there's times where he can be distant and cold.

I've seen every side of him, good or bad, and somehow, I can't stop myself from loving him. Even if I tried.

I think he's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me, I just hope things stay the way they are now.

As I was in deep thought, a nurse stopped me, grabbing my attention.

"Mrs. Tesfaye, you shouldn't be out of bed. You need to return to your room and rest." She said politely.

"I'm sorry, I just can't sleep. I've been going through a lot recently." I stated.

"Tell me what's been on your mind." She stated.

I looked at her and studied her facial expression.

She looked like she genuinely cared, and I felt like I could open up to her.

"It's just that, my husband's mom, who's basically my mom too, almost died today and I don't know what I would do if I witnessed her dying in my arms."

"These two people rammed into her back bumper three times before she lost control of the car and we flipped in the air."

"I thought I was going to die, and this was all so that we could have a nice, relaxing, and peaceful dinner."

"We were visiting her, she hasn't seen us for several months and this is what waited for the both of us, all three of us, actually." I said, without realizing that I was crying.

All of the sudden, I feel her pull me into a hug.

She hugged me tightly, and gently whispered, "I'm so sorry."

I felt a sudden comfort and all of my tenseness, disappeared.

"I'm the one that should be apologizing, I'm soaking your work clothes." I managed.

"It's okay, they're just clothes, they'll dry. It's more important that you're comforted through such a traumatizing experience."

I felt myself hug her a bit tighter before gently pulling away.

"Thank you. I really appreciated this little talk." I said grateful.

"Would you like some ice cream?" She asked me quietly.

I smiled and asked just as quiet, "What kind do you have?"

She lightly giggled and replied, "I have chocolate or vanilla."

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