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You think that you would get over a one night stand within 8 months? I didn't. I barley did anything after that faithful week in New York. I spent my days locked away in my apartment writing songs. Sounds cliche I know but that's really what I do. When I was not home I was recording with the boys or buying food. The boys went to parties almost every night and definitely every weekend and I would never come, I never wanted to. Slowly though things seemed like they were turning around, slowly everyone started to forget about Emma except of course Kalee they would always be yelling on the phone every day. I would never come in to say hi. I didn't have the guts to face her though I wanted to. I missed her a lot, too much. It seemed though as if I was the only one who did miss her though. Calum Hadn't spoken of her to me once, not a single time. He seemed to be doing better without her then I was and he's the one that dated her for 7 years. I didn't know if that was bad or if it was good. Every night though when I was lonely I would check up on her socials to see if she'd found someone new but she never did, she still posted with her new friends from where she moved to and she looked happy. I still posted, I looked happy but I wasn't. Maybe I was the only one who wasn't doing good in this situation.

Like I said everything was good untill the boston tour date. Then it all went to shit.

For the tour the boys and I all shared a tour bus we each slept in small bunks and had just a little lvinig room to ourselfs it wasnt much but it was something if someone said anythi g everyone could hear. I was sitting in my bunk one night when I heard the sound of Calum talking. he sounded like he was in deafeat he was pleading. I began to ge more nosy as I continued to listen. The I realixed what was happening as i heard the females voice that respided when he stopped talking. I hopped up taking a quick look at Ashton who must have been thinkin the same thing. I went into the room seeing caum sitting on the floor cross legged with his computer on the table Emma was looking back talking. My heart shattered into a million peices.

"I just need to see you please." He pleased he sounded as if he as on the verge of tears. "All those songs I wrote about you, havent you heard them, I meant every word." He said my blood boiled once he said that beause every nice words about her in that album came from me not him. Fro a split second Emma glanced up at me and then back down at Calum.

"Is that why Luke sings most of it?" I rooled my ees walking to he batroom slammng the door as I went in making my presence known to Calum. I could hea everything that they said still.

"Emma, Please I know I was the fucking stupid one who ended it." He pleaded. Thats when I hearc Emmas voice start to crack up as well.

"Calum yu dont want this, I know that you dont." she said.

"Just come see me tommoroe, we can get lunch kust let me see. Let me talk." There was silce and I sat anxiosly waiting for her repsoce which I prayed was no.

"What time?" She ased with a sigh. I felt like crying myself I had yet again lost to Clum. Thats when it all started to sink in though. Caum didnt want what was best from me when he tore Emma and I apart he wanted to be the one to have Emma or no one. He didnt care who else was happy except him. He couldnt stand to see her with anyone else. He'd just wo her back again and that was the worst feeling knowing that I could have prevented this by just seeing through his lies and staying in bed with her. No, I chose a fucking band over the love of my life.

Now the love of my life fell back on Calum. They talked about whwre they would meet ommorow and then he hung up. I emerged rom the batroom crosing my arms as I looked at him.

"What?" he askec I felt like killing him.

"What? I thought you were over her. Done with her. I though no Emma was best form the band, best for the boty of us." I said turnng around and going back to my bunk I just needed sleep right now. "Your a fucking lier"

"You act like you fucking knew her so well." I heard Calum say coming up behind me before I reached the bunk. Did he really just say that to me? I was ready to fight over this.

"Act? I did I have known her longer than you! You think you'd have some fucking sense and actually mean a single word you say!" I said smiling, deep down I was dying though.

"I dated her for seven years, seven! Yet you seem to act like your so in love with her when you hooked up with her twice! So don't accuse me of being a lier!" I turned around to look him in the face I didn't like how close we were standing. All he had to do was push me a little further and I'd punch him.

"I do love her you know I do! And for a minute of my life in New York I was happy and then you managed to take it all away because I for some reason believed a word that came out of your mouth."

"How many times have you told her that? How many times have you fell asleep in bed next to her, how many times have you fallen asleep next to anyone without fucking them the night before for that matter." Calum spat back that one hurt, he was right hes I know he'd done those two things more than anyone. But there was so much more to him I could pull out into this. Furthermore if was beginning to catch the other boys and Kalee's attention as Michael slowly emerged from the couch staring at us.

"How many girl have you slept with since you broke up with her?" I knew the number was high. His face went sour for a moment because he knew what I getting at. "But you love her so much!"

"How many girls have you Luke, don't act like I'm the only fucking one!" I grinned that's where I caught him.

"None." I said smiling.

"Hookers count."

"None." I replied again smiling. "Because I love her and I'm broken over this."

"Oh shove that shit up your ass, you've never loved anyone!" Slowly I watched as Ashton came out of his bunk finally letting us fighting interrupt what he was doing. He looked concerned.

"I loved her more than you!" I knew for a fact that was true there was no way he beat me in that race.

"Your fucking insane Luke, you fucked her twice you don't love her! You might think you do but you don't. You just managed to convince yourself that I've done you so wrong that you do!" I did love her, I do love her. "You don't think I'm hurt over this. You don't think I feel like a part of me is missing? We just move on different!"

"I bet you just miss fucking her. That's why you texted her out of the blue."

"I've been texting her for a while I just chose not to tell you." He said I shook my head this hurt too much. "You do not love her, you never texted."

"You have no fucking idea what went on in that hotel room! You have no idea what we said to each other."

"Well I have an idea, since you openly whored around with my ex." I laughed I couldn't believe him right now.

"You are the one who broke up with her, I was here for Emma when you left her."

"And then you left her your just as bad please both of you shut up!" Ashton yelled putting his head phones on.

"No he's worse he always flirted with my girlfriend and then just fucked her every opportunity he got."

"Fuck off Calum!" I yelled.

"Whatever only one of us is seeing her tomorrow."

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