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I woke up the next morning in the bed with three other people. I only had my underwear on. I was pressed up agiesnt Kalee who had nothing on and Calum who's hand I could feel was on my ass. I quickly jumped up lightly shaking Kalee as I covered myself. I was naked in a bed with her boyfriend, and I knew why. She woke up and her too looked like she was having a moment to think back from the night before.

"Oh my god." I whispered.

"Holy fuck." She whispered back."what do we do?"

"Well let's see if they even remember. She nodded.

"If they don't, tell no one." She said I nodded. I looked ya her in the eyes and couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh my god I had sex with you last night." I said she smiled back.

"It wasn't bad either."

"Okay well I said as I started to put my cloths on. "When they wake up you know the story." I said she nodded. "I've got to do my round about on Luke make sure he got back here safe, if Calum asks I went to get Advil." I said she nodded. She understood how Calum was and how Luke and I was and Kalee was always there with a covering up lie when I needed it, she was good at it too. After I was fully dressed I took the elevator down to the eith floor where Luke was. I knocked on his door lightly. Before hearing him speak.

"Oh shit." I heard him say before the door opened. Behind him there was a girl I had bet seen her before. She had long brown hair she was much tanner than I was and over all better looking. It was then I realized what happened.

"Who is this?" She asked her vocie was high pitched. Luke only had his boxers on as he stood at the door looking down on me. I felt guilty.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Luke if I knew I wouldn't have-

"Maddie this is Emma, Emma, Maddie." He said introducing us to each other. I waved lightly and waved back but she didn't seem that kind.

"Uhh I just came to see if you made it back to the hotel okay." I said slowly before turning around I heard her voice as I did.

"Wait who are you?" She asked I turned back around waiting for Luke to answer. "Is this like a girlfriend of yours?" She asked her face painted of disgust. Luke laughed.

"No she's my bandmates girlfriend, Calum's." He explained.

"Oh, that makes sense." She said with that I turned around I didn't want to hear her anymore. I'd leave them to be so they could do their thing. I made my way back up to Michaels bedroom, knocking before using the card to open the door. I walked in to see Calum with his head in his hands leaned up agiest the table. Michael was doinb the same. Calum looked up seeing me a smile didn't come when he did. I was afraid.

"Did you take those pills last night too?" He asked walking over to me.

"Only one." I said he wrapped his arm around me waist pulling me closer kissing my forehead.

"Thank god, I feel like death. I don't remember a single thing from last night." I glanced over st Kalee as he did. She pointed at Michael who still had his head down and put up two fingers.


Turns out that Luke's one night stand Maddie was staying. In fact it has been two weeks since she got here and she didn't have an intention to go back to where she came from soon. Both Kalee and I had met her and no matter how hard Luke kept trying to make the three of us friends Kalee and I didn't take kindly to her. She didn't seem to like me so I didn't put in an effort to like her.

I had to admit that it was starting to get annoying every other word out of Luke's mouth was Maddie and how him and Maddie this and Him and Maddie that. I was done hearing about Maddie. Now that we had went back to our normals lives and were now back to our apartments Luke was never home always with Maddie. He seemed like he never had time for me or the boys anymore. I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Calum's yelling again.

"Why do you care so much about Luke, who cares about his girlfriend?" Calum yelled throwing his hands up. I rolled my eyes there wasn't enough space between us to get along today, there could never be enough.

"I don't!" I yelled back from the couch. "I'm just saying she's rude and you're flipping out at me."

"I'm not flipping out on you stop blowing shit out of proportion!" He screamed. My phone dinged I looked down to see Kalee had messaged me. She must be hearing stuff. Though her and Michaels apartment was a floor up I'm sure they could hear just fine.

'When is he not flipping out on you.'

"Are you kidding when are you not flipping out on me?" I screamed on the top of my lungs

"I'm going I can't do this, I'll come back when you are calmed down." He said putting on his Becker before going out the door slamming it behind him. I sighed and later down on the couch. I felt like there was a hole in me. Right now I'd probably go confront Luke and he'd talk with me but right now I'm sure he's with Maddie.

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