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"Thank you everyone and goodnight!" I yelled out smiling to the crowd. "Love you guys!" And with that the four of us turned around and walked off stage. I'm feeling kind of good, tonight was the last show before the break of the tour.
"Maybe tonight's going to be a good one." I said pointing at Calum as he ran towards Emma with his arms open as if he was about to sweep her up into his arms. Emma always plays into that kind of shit, she eats it up. Not tonight apparently though. She instantly pushes him away he looks at her confused and frustrated.
"Maybe not." Michael said adding on to my original statement as he kissed Kalee on the cheek. "But then again when is it?"
"Get the fuck away from me!" She yelled instantly causing a scene. "I saw you fucking looking at her!"

"Hey hey." Calum said quietly bringing himself closer to Emma she looked up at him unamused. By now they were touching, Calum brought his hand up to her face and put his hand on her cheek. "How am I supposed to look at anyone else when I'm so busy thinking about you?" The smile on her face grew. "Huh darling?"
"I love you." She replied smiling.
"You are fucking crazy." Ashton said finally coming in behind us pointing at Emma.
"Fuck off." She said sternly before focusing back in on her boyfriend.
"Now why don't you say hi to me the right way?" I sighed and turned around walking to my dressing room. I'm feeling good about tonight, I know that tonight all of us will go get food and then get a hotel. In the Morning when we wake up at 1 we'll get lunch, get ready and then go to a party or some club. It's always the same, it rarely changes. I sat down on the couch in my dressing room and unbuttoned my shirt sighing and leaving it open. I heard a knock on the door. I sighed, just as I thought I had a moment to myself.

"Come in?" I called out which followed by Calum coming in closing and locking the door behind us.

"What did I do?" He asked with a confused look on his face. I smiled knowing he was talking about Emma. The more and more I saw Emma and Calum fight the more and more I ststed to convince myself ta losing Emma was actually a blessing. I liked to tell myself I dodged a bullet. Calum sighed and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Probably nothing." I said chuckling, he didn't look happy though. Calum was still covered in sweat from the show. "God takes a shower," I said laughing finally Calum smiled.

"I just got off stage 5 minutes ago, give me a break." He said.

"She might warm up a bit if she can go near you." I suggested. It was silent for a few moments then Calum spoke.

"So where are we planning on staying tonight?" Calum asked I shrugged.

"I don't know some hotel." I said he ran his fingers through his slightly curly hair before standing up.

"Well if I want to make it to the hotel, I should robably go make ends meet."

"Yeah, See you in the bus." I said as Calum went out the door closing it gently behind him.


Emma may be a little bit crazy, or maybe you'd just call it overprotective either way what Calum didn't realize was that no matter what Emma's latest accusation as towards him I would always be on her side. Being "Friends" with her for so long that that habit ha managed to stick. I sat down next to Emma at the bar stool. This hotel was just like all the other ones we had been to before. And the night was going the ame as I expected it too because Emma was at the bar drinking alone. Something that still annoys me about Calum to this day is the fact that he let her go down to a bar alone. He let his girlfriend go down to a bar in Los Angles alone. If I had a girlfriend she wouldn't be going anywhere like that without me. Right now I didn't have a girlfriend, so I took it open myself to go meet Emma at the bar.

Emma had her head in her hands as I sat down. In front of her there was some sort of drink. She didn't look up as she spoke.

"I have a boyfriend." She mumbled, I chuckled.

"Good thing its me then right?" I said slowly Emma looked up from her hands at me.

"Oh, Hi." she said half smiling. "What are you doing here?" She asked pulling her glass towards her taking a sip out of her straw. The bar was almost empty except for the select few people scattered around at tables. The bar wasn't loud infact almost silent.

"Came to see if you were alright." I said she smiled.

"I'm okay." She said. "I'm about to get going, I kinda want to go to bed." She said I nodded. "You think Calum will let me in the room?" She laughed but I knew the question was probably serious.

"Of course he will, he loves you." I explained. When I said the words aloud I felt sad though for some reason that I didn't know.

"I know he loves me but he's mad." She said taking another sip of her drink. As soon as she put it down I slid it over to myself taking a sip.

"You have the weirdest fucking drink combinations." I said, Emma giggled.

"I don't care what they taste like as long as they get me drunk." I smiled.

"I know." I said Emma slowly brought her hand up to the collar of my shirt running her fingers along the blue and white stripes.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to change into comfortable clothes." She joked.

"Beauty is a pain." I joked back. She took her hand away putting it on the table. "Why don't I walk you back, it's getting late?" Emma nodded and the two of us got up. I walked her back to her own room and then went next door to mine. I lay down and went to bed after all 3 in the morning was usually when I passed out.

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