15. Christmas Spirit 3

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Bruno's POV

I hesitated a bit before I slowly turned my head and saw a familiar tall person standing right in front of me. He had a long beard, a Santa coat on, and a sliver grill on. I squinted my eyes a bit til I noticed who he exactly was.

"Kameron?!" I shouted in shock making him smile,"Sup nigga!" He cheered while picking me up and ruffling my hair with his knuckles.

I pushed off his grasp before I looked up at him,"Kameron what the hell are you doing in my house! And why are you so tall?" I asked looking at his ginormous height, he was almost eight feet tall.

"I don't know" He said with a shrug,"Why you a grown ass man and your girlfriend taller than you?" He asked back and I became silent.

"Exactly! So if you didn't know already, I'm not the sexy, dashing Kameron you know" Kam said checking himself in the mirror across from him.

I thought for a second then stroked my chin,"Really? I don't know any sexy Kamerons, I know a Kameron who's gap is so big that it resembles a field goal" I snapped picking myself off the ground.

Kameron's eyes filled with rage and he snapped his fingers and Christmas lights wrapped around my body,"Hey!" I yelled trying to break free put I fell back on the ground.

Kameron walked up to me and picked me up while walking towards the couch,"Anyways, I'm the ghost of Christmas present and I came here to tell you what will happen tomorrow on Christmas Day"

"Oh great more flying?" I groaned as he placed me on the couch,"You think flying is free?!" Kameron laughed,
"Nah nigga I'm too broke for that! We taking a cab the fuck"

"Where are we possibly gonna get a taxi in my house at one in the morning?" I asked raising my eyebrow,

"Right there" Kameron said pointing behind me. I turned around by the best of my abilities and saw a yellow car behind us,"Oh well what do ya know"

"Get in nigga!" Kameron shouted as he made his way inside the taxi car,"And make sure you bring yo wallet cause I ain't got no cash on me til I get paid!"

I groaned to myself as I jumped towards my kitchen and grabbed my wallet from the counter with my mouth. I continued to grumble angrily to myself til I jumped into the car seat and Kam closed the door.

"Thanks B! I own ya!" Kam said pulling a couple hundred dollar bills from my wallet and giving it to a elf in the front seat. The car started and it went as fast as lightning making me scream for dear life.

"Oh shit!" Kameron screamed,"Ayo Ron! This ain't back to the future! Slow that shit down!" Kam ordered and the elf hit the breaks. My body jerked forward and I hit my side on the passenger seat,"Ow..."

"We're here!" Kameron announced opening the door and jumping out the car. I fell off the taxi attempting to jump off the car like Kam and struggled to get up til Kam picked me up.

I looked around the area around us and I sucked my teeth,"We're literally just in Eric's house" I complained glaring at him,"Yeah I know but just watch" Kam said facing my head towards Eric and Cinda who was talking in the kitchen.

"That was real nice of you to get that puppy for the kids Eric" Cinda said taking a sip from her coffee. Eric sighed in response before looking at Cinda sadly,"Yeah it's the least I can do, it can probably distract them while I go to the studio"

Cinda gave him the side eye and placed her hands on her hips,"Really Eric? You're really gonna go to the studio on Christmas?"

"I know but I have too, you know how Peter is, he can be a little...stubborn" Eric whispered and I parted my mouth in shock,"I am not!" I shouted before I fell on the tile floor forward.

Bruno mars scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now