9. Killer love potion 3

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Y/n's POV

A couple of days have passed and today was the big football game before homecoming which was tomorrow. I've spent a lot of time by myself for the pass few days because of Brianna's threats but that never stopped me from thinking of that kiss.

Ever since that day, strange things have being happening. I almost ended up in the hospital in gym because a medicine ball someone threw almost gave me a concussion.

Right now I'm in theater class sitting on the stage on my phone as the other students talked to each other waiting for the bell to ring. I continued to use my phone until I heard a weird ripping sound from above. I looked up and the rope that held several sand bags broke and flew straight down.

I screamed before jumping off the stage right before the bags could be able to hit my head. The sound of the bags falling caught everyone's attention and everybody ran up to me.

"Are you ok Y/n?" My classmates asked including Bruno as they tried to help me up,"Yeah Y/n are you ok?" Brianna asked walking up to me and examining my head,"No headaches? Bruises? A crack in your skull that can make you bleed from the inside?"


"Oh...great" Brianna responded dryly while smiling. Bruno slowly walked up to me and he trembled anxiously.

"A-Are you sure you're o-" Bruno asked nervously before Brianna grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away,"Come on babe she's fine!"

The bell rung and it was now time for lunch. I rubbed my temples before walking out the auditorium and towards the cafeteria. I walked across the hallway leading to lunch until I heard something greet me.

"Hi!" A high pitch voice said to me from the side. I looked to my left and saw a girl with long hair next to a concession stand with cupcakes and cookies.

"Would you like a cupcake from your bake sale to rise money for prom!" A girl asked me with a cheesy smile,
"Um sure"

I pulled $2 out of my pocket and gave it to her and she gave me a chocolate cupcake in return. I walked to my lunch table where I sat all by myself until David Brianna's Ex boyfriend bumped into me and stole my cupcake.

"Hey!" I exclaimed,"David that was mine!" I tried to reach for it back but he forcefully pushed me back.

"Not anymore bitch!" He laughed before taking a big bite of it in my face. He walked away with his other jerk friends as I marched towards my table. A couple of minutes has passed and I was sitting there eating my fries until I saw David running out of his seat.

He ran towards the trash can and spilled his guts out making everyone in the cafeteria nauseous or gag in disgust. I looked at everyone until my eyes laid a upon Brianna who glared at me and bagged her fist on the table.

"Damn it!" Brianna mouthed in frustration before standing up from her seat and walking away. A student called the nurse downstairs and they quickly came to the cafeteria and took David to the hospital.

As the day went by, it was finally time to leave. I was the last one to leave out of my classroom and I went towards the staircase to go upstairs. I stepped down the first step and immediately tripped and almost went tumbling down the steps. Lucky I grabbed the rail and I stopped falling.

"Oh shit!" I gasped regaining my balance. I looked down and saw a rope in between the top steps,"Damn I almost fell!"

I ripped the rope off the top of the steps and threw it away,"What idiot puts rope on the stairs?!" I mumbled under my breath,"I would've broke my neck for sure!"

Bruno mars scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now