13. Christmas Spirt

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Bruno's POV

It was Christmas Eve and I was driving to the studio to discuss new plans for my next album with the guys. I parked my car and walked inside the studio and the guys spotted me taking my coat off.

"Bruno there you are!" Eric announced coming towards me,"We was just talking about something and we need you to confirm it"

"Ok what is it?" I asked dryly while hanging my coat up,"D-Do we really have to make your merch prices this high? Like come on man it's Christmas can't we just change the price?" Jamareo asked and the rest nodded their heads in agreement.

I sucked my teeth and folded my arms,"Alright" I said firmly,"Will increase the price by 20%"

"What?! That's not what we meant by change the price!" Jimmy exclaimed,
"But that would makes a hat almost $100!" Phil added.

"Let's be honest Phil, People will buy anything this time of year even if it's $1,000, so the hooligans are gonna buy it regardless" I reassured patting his back.

"But this is a lot Bruno! Can't you just take it down a little?" Eric suggested and I sucked my teeth in annoyance,
"Fine! 15% take it or leave it"

Everyone groaned by my response til Y/n came inside the studio and took off her gloves and coat,"Hey guys! Merry Christmas!" She declared making the others smile.

"Hey Y/n" They greeted nicely as she hung up her coat. She walked up to us and stared at us with confusion,
"So what's happening?" Y/n curiosity asked.

Jimmy glanced at me before folding his arms and looking back at Y/n,"Bruno here is tryna sell a $100 hat on Christmas" He confessed.

"What? One hundred dollars?!" Y/n exclaimed marching up towards me and looking at me with disgust,"Yes cause he wants to raise the price of his merch by 20%" Eric told giving me the side eye.

"I said we can change it to 15" I grumbled but Y/n looked at me in disgust,"Come on Babe! Where's your Christmas spirit? This time of year is to spread joy!" Y/n cheered,"Not making people broke over a damn sweater"

"You know what this time of year is really about?" I asked and everyone looked at me as they curiously waited for my response,"Money!" I exclaimed while maniacally rubbing my hands together.

"It's the one time of year that people act like animals and spend every penny on shit just to please their kids who are just gonna throw that shit away the next year!" I explained,"You guys say I'm greedy but I'm being smart, this month is a gold mine and none of you guys are seeing that!"

Everyone stared at me blankly for a second until Duggy slowly shook his head,"Wow...you are so blind" He commented.

"Christmas isn't about that, it's about family, joy, and lov-" Phil explained til I covered my mouth and winced,"I think I just threw up in my mouth!" I gagged and Phil threw his arms in the air by my dramatic response.

I grabbed Y/n's coat and tossed it to her before walking towards the studio door,"Come on Y/n let's go home" I ordered tucking my hands in my pants pocket.

We walked towards the door as she put her coat on til I froze and turned behind me,"And guys be here in the studio at eight o clock so we can get work done" I ordered and the guys eyes widened and they all started to argue and shout at me.

"What?! But Nigga tomorrow's Christmas!" Kameron shouted across the room and the place fell silent.

I glared at Kameron before sighing heavily and pushing the bridges of my nose,"If y'all say, because it's Christmas one more time...I am gonna slap the shit out of one of you!"

"I don't care if it's Christmas or fucking Easter! Be here at eight or else!" I snapped making Kam and the others flinch a bit.

I grabbed Y/n and dragged her out the studio,"Merry Christmas guys..." Y/n mumbled as she waved bye at them. I drove us back home and I opened the door to our house and I immediately had gotten furious when I saw the Christmas tree up in the living room.

"Ugh why did you set up the tree?! I told you several times not to put this tree in this house!" I shouted,"Why do you always act like this? Why do you have to be so mean, rude and greedy?" Y/n asked as she started to tense up in fear.

"Well excuse me if I'm trying to pay bills in this house! Unlike you who is wasting my energetic bill on these stupid Christmas lights!" I snapped. I glared at the Christmas tree as I marched up to it and ripped the lights off.

"Bruno stop it!" Y/n pleaded as she attempted to pull me off the tree but I pushed her back and threw the lights on the ground,"Fuck these lights!"

"Fuck these stockings!" I shouted pulling them off the wall before I stomped my way towards the tree,
"And fuck these presents!" I yelled snatching a Christmas present from under the tree.

I stared at the small sliver box with a black bow on top with pure frustration and gotten ready to throw it on the ground,"Wait Bruno! Please don't drop that on-" Y/n begged me to do so til I dropped the small box and the sound of glass being cracked echoed the whole house.

I looked at Y/n who stared down at the box with widened eyes as she slowly bend do grab it. She gently picked it up and stared at it blankly til she hugged the gift tightly,"I-I saved all my money to pay for this for you...just to get smashed..." I heard Y/n whisper softly.

"I...I just wanted to see if you can be it, but I guess the only thing you can be is a greedy punk bastard" Y/n said firmly as her grip on the box grew tighter.

"Y/n wait I didn't mean-" I explained but Y/n just pushed me out the way,
"I'm outta here" She huffed marching towards the kitchen to grab her purse.

"Y/n I'm sorry! I was just having a tantrum! You know how I feel about Christmas and-" I cried but she kept grabbing her belongings,"Save it I'm gone" Y/n said dryly before putting her coat on and walking up to the door.

"Where are you going?!" I yelled and she froze and turned around,"To a hotel since I'm not allow to be under your roof you paid for" She shot back before she grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

She glanced at me one more time til she slammed the door shut, leaving me alone. I fell on my knees and stared at door in disbelief, shocked by her words,

"Oh god...what have I done?"


It's been a minute since I updated on this book huh😅

But sorry for that, I forgot about these drafts I made and school Issa bitch so😂🙄

But imma update more soon so don't worry!😚❤️

Bruno mars scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now