6. Brunita 2

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Y/n's POV

It's been a over 3 days now and I still can't find a way to turn Bruno back into his normal self. For the pass couple of days, Bruno has done nothing but goof off, play with his boobs, and go on Snapchat all day while I try to fix a way to reverse all of this.

Right now I'm on the computer reading an article on supernatural events while Bruno takes selfies and does his streaks on snap.

"I gotta pee" Bruno announced as he stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Minutes has passed and I heard a high pitch scream come from upstairs. I immediately got up from the couch and ran to the bathroom.

I busted through the bathroom door and saw Bruno pacing back and forth,
"What! What's wrong!"

"There's blood in my pee!" Bruno screamed while gripping his hair.
A chuckle slipped out of my mouth before I started to laugh my head off.

"What's so funny? Is me dying funny to you!" Bruno panicked making me laugh even harder,"Your not dying, your on your period" I clarified, Bruno raised his eyebrows and his mouth parted slightly,"...Ohhhh"

"Well it shouldn't be thatt bad" Bruno commented as he left the bathroom.

Four days later:

"Ughhhh! Y/n I'm dying!" I heard Bruno groan from the living room. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Bruno laying on the couch like it was his death bed.

"No you're not Bruno" I sighed pushing the bridges of my nose. Bruno sat up from the couch with the best of his ability and glared at me.

"Yes I am!" He whined,"I'm bleeding, I'm cramping, I'm bloated, and my boobs are hurting really bad!" Bruno complained lying back down on the couch.

"Oh really? Because last time I checked, you said it wasn't thatt bad and you get cramps on your legs all the time" I quoted him using quotation marks in the air.

"I know but JESUS CHRIST! Every time I stand up and walk it hurts!" Bruno groaned hugging his pillow tightly. Bruno then suddenly sneezed out of nowhere and his eyes filled with fear and complete horror.

"Oh no...Oh no, OH HELL NO!"
He jumped off the couch and examined his body in the hallway mirror.

"Y/n do you see a stain or anything?! Because I feel like there's a stain there!" Bruno babbled trying to look at his shorts,"No Bruno" I giggled making him sigh in relief,"Phew thank god!" Bruno breathed before making his way back to the couch.

"Anyways I'm gonna go to the store, do you want anything?" I asked grabbing my keys off the counter.

"Pills, hot cheetos, chocolate, chips ahoy cookies, more chocolate, Ben and Jerry's, even more chocolate anddd..." Bruno continued,"A hug..."

Bruno mars scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now